Weighing the Situation
Take a step back. Be rational for a moment, and take stock of the situation. Consider your relationship to this person, and try to predict how they will receive your words. Ask yourself whether there's a realistic chance that they love you back. If so, then you just need to how to figure out how to make your move. If not, then you will need to tread very carefully. Perhaps you have fallen in love with a friend, but you aren't sure if they love you back. You will need to think long and hard about how your confession of love will affect the friendship. Falling in love with your best friend can be wonderful – provided that they return your feelings.
Make sure that you mean it. If you have never been in love before, it may be hard to understand the implications of this phrase. There are many types of love: friendly love, familial love, romantic love. If you truly feel that you are romantically in love with this person, then you should tell them. However, it is important to consider the gravity of your words. Love means something different to everyone. Some say that young people tend to confuse "true love" with a shallower level of infatuation or "puppy love." Others believe that you can feel deep, meaningful love at any age.
Be true in your intentions. Do not tell someone "I love you" just to get them to pay more attention to you. Only say this if you plan to follow up on your words. Romantic love usually implies a certain level of care and involvement with a person.
Ease into it. Instead of saying "I love you," you can start out by saying things that hint at how you really feel. Gauge how the person responds to the less-serious confessions. If they are receptive to your words, and says that they like you a lot too, then there's a higher chance that your confession of love will be well-received.
Be bold. Consider that life is short, and that love is a perfectly valid feeling. If you love someone, there will always be a chance that they do not love you back, or that they will fall out of love with you down the line. However, this is a thing that is inside you, and it is a thing that you cannot ignore.
Setting the Scene
Choose a romantic setting. Try for a quiet place where the two of you can be alone. Take him/her to a restaurant, or to a garden, or to a sweeping outdoor scene when the sun is setting. Make sure that they feel safe and comfortable here. The particular place will depend on who you're confessing your love to. Choose a place that is special to both of you.
Make a meaningful moment. Confessing your love can be a big deal for both people involved, and it's important to make it special. You can plan it out, or you can wait for an organically intimate moment. The moment might be sweepingly dramatic, or it might be wonderfully simple. Say it when you feel truly inspired. This might happen during a beautiful sunset after a perfect day together, or when "your song" comes on during a big school dance, or when you're both laughing together, happy simply to be with one another. Watch romantic scenes in movies and shows for inspiration. Analyze the scenes when the protagonist confesses their love. Understand the mood that you want to strike.
Make sure that the two of you are alone. You can make a dramatic public confession, if you feel that it's appropriate. Remember, however, that the person you love may not appreciate the unexpected attention. This is especially important if you aren't sure how they will react. If you are alone together, then you give the person the space to respond more comfortably.
Plan the confession. Arrange to meet the person, if you don't already have a date to meet up. Ultimately, in the moment, you will need to let things take their course. However, you can certainly set the scene so that your confession is romantic and timely. Make sure that you won't be rushed, and that you know what you are going to say. You can also write your confession into a letter, if you cannot be with the one you love. This method can still be very intimate, even if it is a little more abstract.
Have their full attention. Don't confess your love when someone is distracted with something else, or worried about something, or preparing to leave. The words will be more powerful if you're gazing into each other's eyes. If you're already having a special moment together, then you can probably proceed. Sometimes, admittedly, there will be no "right time." Get their attention by saying, "I need to tell you something important."
Confessing Your Love
Look into their eyes. When the time feels right, lock eyes with the one you love. Eye contact signals that you are sincere. It also gives you an immediate indication of how she feels about what you're saying, and it should make the two of you feel more connected.
Say, "I love you." It's as simple as that. If you truly love this person, then you don't need to justify it or add any frills. If you feel so inclined, however, it never hurts to wax poetic and qualify your love a bit. Only say as much as you feel impelled to say. Consider explaining the story of how you came to love this person. Say something true, and honest, and sweet. Make it unique, and make them feel special. Say it casually or earnestly, depending on your comfort level. Make sure that this person knows you're serious.
Kiss them. If your love says "I love you" back: get excited. This is a special time. Ride the wave of loving emotion and take the experience to an even more magical level. No matter what happens, this is a moment in your life that you will remember for years to come.
Be patient. Give the object your affections time to process what you've said. In some cases, they might confess love right back. On the other hand, if your confession is a surprise, they might need to think about it. Listen and be respectful. Don't make any assumptions. If the person doesn't return your feelings, then that's okay. You may be hurt, but do not be angry. Accept it.
Be proud of yourself. No matter how your love responds, proud of yourself for telling him/her how you feel. It takes a lot of courage to tell someone that you love them, and mean it. Whatever happens: now they know.
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