How to Attract a Gemini Man As a Sagittarius Woman
How to Attract a Gemini Man As a Sagittarius Woman
No one could blame you for being smitten b,y a Gemini man. He seems to fit in perfectly wherever he goes, is always stylish, and is the life of the party. As a Sagittarius woman, you won't have to work too hard to get his attention—lively and spontaneous, you know how to turn heads. Like your sign's symbol, the Archer, you know how to hit your target. Read on to find out everything you need to know about how to snag that Twin and jumpstart a fiery romance that will keep both of you longing for more.

Tell him you like him.

Your Gemini interest will find your confidence refreshing. Gemini men tend to appreciate directness and love new people and new situations. As a Sagittarius woman, you can sometimes come across as too direct—but with Gemini, this is never a bad thing. For example, you might walk up as he's telling a joke to a group of people and say, "Hey, that was a great joke. I like you—you're funny." At the same time, you do want to keep it light. Don't make it seem like you're looking to tie him down in an exclusive relationship right away or he'll run for the hills. Fun and flirty is the name of the game here. Don’t be afraid to tell your Gemini man how much you care about him and his happiness. As a Sagittarius, making someone feel special and cared about is one of your superpowers. Reader Poll: We asked 167 wikiHow readers and 50% agreed that they feel special and appreciated when a Sagittarius woman shows she cares about their comfort and happiness. [Take Poll]

Talk about anything and everything.

Geminis are known to be sparkling conversationalists. Your typical Gemini has explored hundreds of different topics—he loves to learn—and will be excited to share his knowledge with you. This is a perfect match for you, especially if you have the incessant curiosity Sagittarians are known for. Both signs love to travel, so if you have stories about a trip you've taken recently, that'll be sure to get him going. Both of you are known to enjoy stimulating conversation, so this is a sure-fire way to attract his interest. And don't worry if you happen to disagree on something—that just makes it even more fun. He'll be intrigued by your passion and fiery nature.

Keep an air of mystery.

A Gemini man will get bored if you reveal everything about yourself. If you're like most Sagittarius women, you tend to be pretty direct and honest. Keeping secrets isn't your strong suit. But with this guy, try to hold a little something back so he has to work to figure you out. You'll have him chasing after you because you continue to surprise him. The easiest way to do this is to skip over little details about your past. You can use those details to surprise and delight him later and he'll love the fact that he keeps learning new things about you. For example, you might show him some of your photographs and mention that you enjoy photographing nature. Just wait until he comes over and sees the framed photo that won a prize in a national competition to let that little detail slip.

Invite him to big social events.

A Gemini man feels more comfortable in a crowd than one-on-one. This should be no problem for the outgoing Sagittarius woman. You thrive in social settings and the two of you will be the life of any party. He'll stick to you when he realizes what an asset you are in social situations—since you're extroverted while he's more cautious, you balance each other out wonderfully. It's even better if the two of you run in different circles. A party with your friends gives him an opportunity to meet new people and learn new things, which he always enjoys. Expert Answer Q What kind of people do Gemini men like? Jessica Lanyadoo Jessica Lanyadoo Astrologer & Psychic Medium Jessica Lanyadoo is an astrologer with over 20 years of consulting experience. She is the author of Astrology for Real Relationships: Understanding You, Me, and How We All Get Along and is the host of the popular astrology and advice show, Ghost of a Podcast. Lanyadoo co-hosted TLC’s digital astrology show Stargazing and writes weekly and monthly horoscopes that help you heal. Jessica Lanyadoo EXPERT ADVICE Answer from Jessica Lanyadoo: Geminis are fond of people who are surprising and impressive. They like people who can hold a good conversation with them.

Wear something flirty and interesting.

A Gemini man is attracted to women who stand out from the crowd. Break out that plunging neckline or the skirt with the high slit and your favorite Twin will be captivated. He's not one for the conservative, classic look, so leave your twin set and pearls at home. Bright colors attract the Gemini man's typically roving eye as well. You're a fire sign, so mix it up with orange and red—and don't be surprised if he tells you orange is his favorite color. An interesting accessory with a story behind it will be sure to capture his attention. That handmade necklace from Peru? Perfect.

Flaunt your independence.

Both of you need freedom in a romantic relationship. As a Sagittarius woman, you want to be able to make your own decisions and live your own life. You don't need to worry about this with a Gemini man, because he has the same needs. He'll be more attracted to you because he'll realize he won't ever have to worry about you getting too clingy. Being unavailable from time to time is a great way to accomplish this. If you're hard to get ahold of and always flitting about from one activity to the next, he'll definitely think you're a keeper. This isn't a guy that you need to ask for advice or play the "damsel in distress" so he'll come to your aid. He'll be more interested if you show him how you were able to take care of a situation yourself.

Suggest a spontaneous adventure.

Geminis tend to be flexible and love to go with the flow. He also hates to be bored—and unfortunately, Geminis can get bored pretty easily. Your Sagittarian spontaneity comes in handy here. Throw out a completely random thing the two of you could go do together and he'll be ready to go. If you can't come up with an idea on the fly, just go for a walk together. You're sure to pass something that strikes your interest and you can take it from there: "Hey look, an ax-throwing place! Let's go throw axes!" He's also curious and likes trying new things, so it's even better if you land on something he's never done before.

Go with the flow on date nights.

Your favorite Gemini typically has the most fun when he's on the move. He's going to get bored if your date consists of sitting in the same restaurant for two hours. And that's fine with you—as a Sagittarius, you've got energy to burn, and you're far more comfortable bouncing around from place to place. It's fine if you have several different ideas, but don't try to hold to a strict itinerary—that'll make him antsy. Instead, put that famous Sagittarian spontaneity to good use! Take a chance on new things that are off the beaten path or haven't quite caught on with the mainstream yet. Even if the two of you end up having a lousy time, you'll still have a great story to tell.

Give him time to open up to you.

The typical Twin often seems a bit standoffish at first. As an Archer, you tend to go directly for your target and don't shy away from saying exactly how you feel in the moment. You might find a Gemini frustrating in this respect because he doesn't tend to be quite as open. It'll take time for him to get comfortable enough to share his innermost thoughts and feelings, but your patience will be well-rewarded. If you keep things light and fun, he'll get to the point where he wants to share his feelings with you.

Keep things unpredictable.

The typical Gemini man gets bored with routine easily. Once two people have been together for a while, they tend to fall into a routine—and this can be fatal to a relationship with a Gemini. This shouldn't be a problem for you, though, if you're a typical Sagittarius. With a spontaneous, dynamic nature, you always know how to shake things up. Try not to be available all the time—that's an easy way to be unpredictable. It also reinforces your independence if he doesn't feel like you're hanging around waiting for him to text or call. Announce that you're doing things, rather than letting him in on the planning stages. That'll keep him on his toes because he won't be able to predict your next move.

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