The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has released admit cards for the September 2024 Chartered Accountancy (CA) Foundation exam. Candidates who have applied for the September 2024 CA exam can now download their admit cards via the ICAI official website, icai.org. Candidates must use their registration number and password birth to access the exam website to download their ICAI CA Foundation admit card.
ICAI CA Foundation 2024: Exam Schedule
This year, the exam dates are September 13, 15, 18 and 20. On all days, Papers I and II will be held from 2 pm to 5 pm, and Papers 3 and 4 from 2 pm to 4 pm. There will be no advance reading time for the Foundation Examination in Papers III and IV, but for all other papers, there will be a 15-minute advance reading period from 1.45 PM to 2 PM.
ICAI CA Foundation Exam 2024: How to Download Admit Card
Step 1: Go to eservices.icai.org, or icai.org, the official website.
Step 2: Find and click on the ‘ICAI CA Foundation September admit card 2024’ link on the homepage.
Step 3: You will be redirected to a login page.
Step 4: Now, provide your date of birth and registration number as a password.
Step 5: The admit card for the ICAI CA Foundation will show up on your screen.
Step 6: Download it and save it for your examination purposes.
Important information such as the exam date, time, place and personal data are provided on the admit card. Applicants must download their admit cards and bring them to the testing location without fail.
ICAI CA Foundation 2024: Exam Pattern
The ICAI CA Foundation exam consists of a total of four question papers. Paper I includes ‘Principles and Practice of Accounting’ while Paper II is of ‘Business Laws and Business Correspondence and Reporting’. Both these papers are subjective in nature. Paper III consists of ‘Business Mathematics, Logical Reasoning, and Statistics’ while Paper IV includes ‘Business Economics’ and ‘Business and Commercial Knowledge.’ Papers III and IV of the CA Foundation will be conducted in an objective format. Every paper carries 100 marks making a total of 400 marks.
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