Tips to ensure your agent doesn't cheat you
Tips to ensure your agent doesn't cheat you
It's easy to get sweet-talked into investing. But you can avoid it.

Gone are the days when financial products meant only fixed deposits and small savings schemes. Now, there are an array of investments for your benefit!

For instance, there are insurance plans that provide equity and debt investment like Unit-Linked Insurance Plans, investment plans that provide insurance like Systematic Investment Plans + Insurance and so on.

With so many products, it is easy to get sweet talked (by an agent) into investing in the wrong schemes. And that's probably why you find young people with an insurance cover that they don't need and many more such cases of mis-selling.

The intense competition amongst financial players has only made matters worse. Distributors and agents with unattainable sales targets pitch products left, right and centre. After all, what do they have to do with your needs and goals, they earn their commissions!

However, mis-buying is as much a problem as mis-selling. Too often, the real culprit is staring back at you every time you shave!

So, here's what you can do to avoid getting caught in the net.

  • Firstly, do you need the investment? If you have no dependents or loans to pay, say goodbye to the insurance agent!
  • Verify the credibility and knowledge of the agent before handing over your money. Ask him for three references. Speak to those clients and find out their views.
  • When it comes to your money, no question is foolish. If you do not understand even a small aspect of the product, ask! Buy only after you are thoroughly convinced and have understood everything. For instance, I met a top film actor, producer and director recently. He had no qualms asking the most basic questions such as, ‘What is equity', 'Why do you say equity gives the highest return?' I felt honoured at spending half a day with him and a few of his friends.
  • Pay attention to all that your advisor or agent speaks. Do not take things at face value. Whatever your agent says might not necessarily be applicable to you.


  • Go through every piece of paper you get and do not sign on the dotted line till you are doubly sure that it is a good investment idea. If there is a slightest doubt, say NO. It is your money; do not feel ashamed to keep it!
  • Do not jump to invest in the plan. Take time out to research the investment. You can do this by finding out more about the scheme on the internet, in leading financial papers etc.
  • If it is an insurance policy, ask for an illustration from the competitor. This will help you get a better comparison.

Last word: Whether you invest in a mutual fund, unit linked insurance plan or direct equities; you get some rights but you also have some obligations. The Security Exchange Board of India (SEBI), Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA), and other regulatory bodies can only do enough to reach information to your doorstep. The onus is on you to understand facts and be one up on your agent!

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