Thai Junta Chief Accepts Donald Trump Invite to Visit White House
Thai Junta Chief Accepts Donald Trump Invite to Visit White House
Thailand's junta chief has accepted an invitation to visit the White House from President Donald Trump, his spokesman said Monday, the latest autocrat to be embraced by the US leader.

On Sunday he extended a White House invitation to Philippines president Rodrigo Duterte, whose brutal anti-drugs campaign has claimed thousands of lives and led to warnings from rights groups about possible crimes against humanity.

"The Prime Minister thanked and accepted President Trump's invitation to visit the United States," junta spokesman Major General Werachon Sukhonhapatipak said in a statement, adding that the offer to visit had been reciprocated by Bangkok.

He also recently called Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan to congratulate him on winning a controversial referendum that will dramatically increase his powers.

And Trump's rhetoric towards China, a popular punching bag during the campaign, has noticeably softened since his meeting with President Xi Jinping in Florida last month.

Many Southeast Asian nations have looked to the Trump administration with some trepidation.

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