Outrage Over US Daycare's Shocking Civil Rights Lesson; Two-Year-Old Black Girl 'Handcuffed'
Outrage Over US Daycare's Shocking Civil Rights Lesson; Two-Year-Old Black Girl 'Handcuffed'
Rosa Parks reenactment at US daycare sparks outrage. Rights group demands probe into traumatic incident affecting a two-year-old black girl

In a shocking incident at a daycare in the US state of Florida, a two-year-old black girl was subjected to a reenactment of civil rights leader Rosa Parks’ arrest. The incident happened at Building Brains Daycare in Saint Cloud, Osceola County, which involved a lighter-skinned child ‘handcuffing’ the girl.

Raising strong objection to the incident, the Baltimore-based National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People (NAACP) has called for a probe by the state of Florida. The child’s parents, outraged by the lesson, immediately withdrew her from the school. The obtained images depict a deplorable simulation of violence against a Black child, misappropriating a Black history lesson while inflicting psychological harm on all students involved, according to NAACP.

The unnamed teacher involved has apologised, saying there were “no physical restraints” used. However, the NAACP insists the incident, whether involving physical restraints or not, is egregious and promised to explore legal avenues to address the matter. The parents, who discovered the incident through the school app, called for an alternative and sensitive way to teach the Rosa Parks story.

Building Brains Daycare spokesperson, Sandi Poreda, said the teacher regrets the incident and has been counseled. The daycare conducted a full review and clarified that the spontaneous activity was not part of the authorised curriculum, pledging to ensure faculty adheres to approved plans.

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