The Uttar Pradesh police has asked the Special Investigation Team to complete its probe into Muzaffarnagar riot cases by this month. The SIT officials have been asked to complete its probe into the riot cases at Muzaffarnagar, Shamli, Baghpat and Meerut d...
Sunny Deol says filmdom is going through a strange phase as content has taken a backseat and marketing has become dominant.
A 28-year-old man was stabbed by man, who was stalking his sister for several days, after he warned him against doing so in Vijay Nagar area in Ghaziabad. Police said the boy suffered stab wounds on his legs and is recuperating in a district hospital.
Akshay grew up in Delhi and it was in Bangkok that he worked as a chef and learnt martial arts.
Koscielny has a four-year contract left with the England club and stated that he will see through that.
Is there a certain girl you’d like to win over, or are you just hoping to have better luck with the ladies? In any case, learning how to be a gentleman is a great first step. You’ve come to the right place—we’ve put together plenty of day-to-day tricks an...
The brother of the 23-year-old Delhi braveheart said people need to change their attitude and be ready to extend help.
Hernandez scored a blinder from the free-kick to hand United their first victory in three matches.
Meanwhile, the Samajwadi Party party is expected to either vote in favour of the government or abstain from voting.
The bankers of Kingfisher have also warned the airline to arrange for more capital by November 30.
This comes after IBNLive reported that while the state was facing LPG shortage, the CM was enjoying three LPG connections.
With govt keen on holding local body polls, the aspirants vie with one another in gifting Ganesh idols to keep voters in good humour
Jaysingh from Uttar Pradesh was accused of murdering Rambabu (45) whose body was found on May 8, 2007. Three other accused - Gangaram (43) and his son Prakash (23) from Uttar Pradesh and Munna alias Munnalal (27) from Madhya Pradesh - have already been ar...
Actress Minissha Lamba poses in the nude for a magazine cover.
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