The announcement was made late on Sunday night.
Palin fired the chief of Alaska police after he refused to get embroiled in a family feud.
No female tigers sighted in Panna national park in over a month.
JavaScript injection is a process by which we can insert and use our own JavaScript code in a page, either by entering the code into the address bar, or by finding an XSS vulnerability in a website. Note that the changes can only be seen by you and are no...
Justin Berry, who for five years appeared in his own webcam child pornography business, told a House panel that the Justice Department is moving too slowly to round up 1,500 pedophiles.
A conclusion on whether popular cholesterol lowering drugs called Statins actually help cure colon cancer is yet to be reached.
Do you have a lesbian friend that you think may like you as more than "just friends"? If this is someone new, you may need to find out if she actually is attracted to you before assuming that she's into you. But if it's clear that she is, then consider...
Western written music is a language that has been developing for thousands of years, and even the music we read today has been around for over 300 years.[1] X Research source Music notation is the representation of sound with symbols, from b...