Designer of India's First Microprocessor Appointed as New Director of IIT Madras
Designer of India's First Microprocessor Appointed as New Director of IIT Madras
An Alumnus of IIT Madras, Prof. Kamakoti, is currently the Associate Dean for Industrial Consultancy and Sponsored Research at the institute.

The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras, ranked as the best engineering college of India for repeatedly three years, has a change of leadership. Its director, Prof Bhaskar Ramamurthi has stepped down after completing two terms. He will be succeeded by Prof V. Kamakoti who designed India’s first Indigenously-developed Microprocessor ‘SHAKTI’ and is also a Member of the National Security Advisory Board, Government of India

An Alumnus of IIT Madras, Prof. Kamakoti, is currently the Associate Dean for Industrial Consultancy and Sponsored Research (ICSR), IIT Madras. He is also a member of the National Security Advisory Board, Government of India.

Congratulating Prof. V. Kamakoti on his appointment, Prof. Bhaskar Ramamurthi said, “With Prof. Kamakoti at the helm, IIT Madras is poised to scale new heights in the coming years. He is an excellent teacher and researcher, and an able administrator. He has played key roles in many national projects, bringing to bear his deep expertise in computing and cybersecurity. The Institute and the country will benefit tremendously from his services”.

Prof. Kamakoti, who is a faculty in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, led the Research team that designed and booted up India’s first Indigenously-developed Microprocessor ‘SHAKTI’ that can be used in mobile computing devices and networking systems. It can reduce reliance on imported microprocessors in Communications and Defence Sectors. ‘SHAKTI’ Microprocessor can be used by other sectors as well as it is on par with its international peers.

Prof. Kamakoti was appointed by the Union Commerce Ministry in 2017 as the Chairman of a Taskforce on leveraging Artificial Intelligence for development across various fields. He has been presented several awards including Abdul Kalam Technology Innovation National Fellowship, 2020, IESA Techno Visionary Award, 2018, IBM Faculty Award, 2016, DRDO Academy Excellence Award, 2013, and IITM Young Faculty Recognition Award (YFRA), 2007

Speaking about his priorities, Prof. V. Kamakoti, Incoming Director, IIT Madras, said, “In the last two decades IIT Madras has focussed on Interdisciplinary translational research of relevance to our Nation. We have also reached out to large number of students through NPTEL, Swayam and online degree programs. With these gathered strengths, our immediate priority would be on augmenting the skill-set for indigenous technology development addressing local and global requirements aligning with the objectives of the National Education Policy.”

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