Are Fans Really Wrong in Asking for Game of Thrones Finale Remake? Here's What Sophie Turner Thinks
Are Fans Really Wrong in Asking for Game of Thrones Finale Remake? Here's What Sophie Turner Thinks
The eighth and final season of 'Game of Thrones' has received extremely polarised reactions from fans. While a fraction of viewers walked away satisfied, many felt they deserved better.

The Sunday's final episode of Game of Thrones drew one of the most watched series in TV history to a close. But the eighth and final season has received extremely polarised reactions from fans. While a fraction of viewers walked away satisfied, many felt they deserved better.

More than a million viewers signed a petition on to have the eighth season remade with "competent writers".

“(Showrunners) David Benioff and DB Weiss have proven themselves to be woefully incompetent writers,” the petition says. “This series deserves a final season that makes sense.”

Now, Sophie Turner, who has played Sansa Stark on Game of Thrones since its inception, has spoken out about the fan-fueled petition to "remake" the final season.

In an interview with the New York Times, Turner said she's "not surprised" with fans' frustration with the way the story wrapped up, but thinks the petition is "disrespectful" to everyone who worked "tirelessly" on the series.

"People always have an idea in their heads of how they want a show to finish, and so when it doesn't go to their liking, they start to speak up about it and rebel," Turner said.

She continued, "All of these petitions and things like that — I think it’s disrespectful to the crew, and the writers, and the filmmakers who have worked tirelessly over 10 years, and for 11 months shooting the last season,” the actress continued. “Like 50-something night shoots. So many people worked so, so hard on it, and for people to just rubbish it because it’s not what they want to see is just disrespectful."

Many viewers also felt that Emilia Clarke's Daenerys Targaryen's violent turn into the "Mad Queen Daenerys" was "uncalled" for. In the episode, titled The Bells, Daenerys destroys King's Landing, killing nearly every man, woman, and child despite the rival army's willingness to surrender. Daenerys' actions left many GoT fans disappointed, with some even seeing the acts as nothing short of a "character assassination".

Talking about the same, Turner said, "The thing about Game of Thrones that's always been amazing is the fact that there's always been crazy twists and turns, right from season one with Ned's beheading. So, Daenerys becoming something of the Mad Queen – it shouldn't be such a negative thing for fans. It's a shock for sure, but I think it's just because it hasn't gone their way."

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