Washing machines has become one of the most essential electrical appliances in a household. It aids in cleaning clothes quite efficiently and makes our jobs easier. The machine will be in good working condition for a long long time, only if it is maintained properly. We often tend to load it with a huge pile of clothes and exceed the limit of the machine. This can cause strain to its working, leading to overload and internal damage to the appliance. It is important to rectify our mistakes while doing laundry. There are various sizes of washing machines available in the market, ranging from 5 kg to 12 kg. The amount of clothes you can load in the machine depends on its size. It is important to note that for a certain machine size, you can load only up to a limited number of clothes.
A 5 kg machine can take the load of about 12 T-shirts or 6 towels or three shirts and one pair of pants. A 6 kg machine can bear the load of about 20 T-shirts, 10 towels, or 5 shirts and two pairs of jeans. For 8 kg, you can wash up to 32 t-shirts, 2 bedsheets and 4 towels, or 8 shirts and three pairs of jeans.
If you have a small machine, but a huge pile of clothes, you can consider dividing the clothes and then doing your laundry. This will ensure that all your clothes come out clean and the appliance does not get overloaded. Let’s take a look at how overloading can harm a washing machine.
Too many clothes in the machine can cause excessive pressure and strain the motor. It can either lead to a short circuit or your washing tub may break.
Apart from this, it can also affect the balance of the washing machine. Also, if there are too many clothes, they will be tightly wound to each other and the detergent will not reach all the areas properly, leaving your clothes dirty.
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