Thrice-lucky daily wager has third tumour removed
Thrice-lucky daily wager has third tumour removed
Forty-three-year-old construction worker Valli got her third malignant tumour removed in a 90-minute surgery

Forty-three-year-old construction worker  Valli should consider herself thrice-blessed.

In the last four years, she has had malignant tumours removed thrice, with the last one being removed by doctors at the Sri Ramachandra University’s hospital recently. The malignant tumour occurred in the main blood vessel (leiomyosarcoma of the inferior vena cave), but initially started near the kidney and then spread to the liver. A team of doctors removed the tumour and a part of the liver using very sophisticated equipment that cut the surgery time to 90 minutes and consumed just one unit of blood transfusion as compared to a conventional surgery lasting eight to 10 hours and 15 to 20 units of blood.

In 2008, Valli, who is the sole bread winner of her family, was diagnosed with cancer of the main blood vessel of the body near the kidney. The second cancer was removed in 2010, while the last was removed now. A team of SRU doctors, with the help of advanced technology – CUSA (Cavitron Ultrasonic Aspirator) and harmonic scalpel meticulously, removed one half of the liver along with the malignant tumour that was larger than a cricket ball using minimal time and blood transfusion. It was headed by Dr A Ravi and comprised Professor of General Surgery, Dr Mahesh Vakamudi, Head of Anaesthesiology, Dr A Rekha, Dr Ayyappan and  Dr Senthil, General Surgery. The patient has recovered well and is ready to be discharged. The whole procedure cost Rs 1,50,000. The CM’s insurance scheme sanctioned Rs 56,000.

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