Telangana Man Makes Electronic Cart With This Innovative Combination
Telangana Man Makes Electronic Cart With This Innovative Combination
The Telangana native had purchased the cart from Suryapet district for Rs 1.3 lakh.

A Telangana native Joseph has stirred the headlines with his innovative idea of connecting a cycle rickshaw and a second-hand Hero Glamour bike. According to Local18 Telangana, this combination has developed into a sort of electronic goods cart. This gives better mileage and options, i.e.- mileage of 50 kilometres and applying a reverse gear in comparison to the traditional cart.

The cart’s back portion provides ample space for keeping the goods like furniture for transportation to the tent house. Also, Joseph added that he can pull a load weighing up to 5 tonnes. The Telangana native had purchased the cart from Suryapet district for Rs 1,30,000. According to him, this cart will turn out to be useful for small businessmen and rickshaw pullers. He said that the rickshaws have now been taken off the roads and it’s time for vehicles like electronic goods carts.

Joseph also feels that riding a rickshaw is not a good option as it requires immense effort and on the other hand, the income earned from this transportation is less. He has also sold some units of this vehicle to customers and received good reviews from them. As per the Telangana native, the customers had informed him that the electronic cart has proven its usefulness, especially on roads with small lanes. Joseph said that the tractors and lorries are unable to enter the lanes thereby making the electronic cart useful.

He further added that customers who couldn’t find enough parking areas for tractors have approached him to purchase the e-cart. Contrary to a heavy vehicle like a tractor, e-cart occupies comparatively less space, and this has proved to be an advantage for the customers. Not only the space, the rent charges for e-cart are also much less, and that’s why consumers prefer to purchase this vehicle in large numbers.

Joseph has also provided a practical demonstration of the e-cart by driving it on the roads. He talked about the other aspects of this vehicle in an interview with the Local 18 Telangana. In the live demonstration, the vehicle didn’t show any signs of failure.

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