Police admits to lapses in Muzaffarnagar riots
Police admits to lapses in Muzaffarnagar riots
Uttar Pradesh police chief on Thursday admitted lapses on the part of police for fresh communal violence in Muzaffarnagar which has left three dead and several injured.

Uttar Pradesh police chief on Thursday admitted lapses on the part of police for fresh communal violence in Muzaffarnagar which has left three dead and several injured.

"The kind of incident which happened on Wednesday can definitely be attributed to lapses on part of the police due to which some people dared to do this (violence). We will take strong action," Devraj Nagar, state Director General of Police told reporters in Muzaffarnagar.

Three persons were killed last night as communal violence erupted afresh in Budhana area of Muzaffarnagar district which was hit by riots last month leaving 62 dead. Eight persons have been arrested and cases registered against 15 people in connection with violence in the district last night where paramilitary forces are patrolling tense areas.

Cases have been registered against 15 persons at Budana Police Station, SSP, Muzaffarnagar, H M Singh said. District Magistrate Kaushal Raj had said on Wednesday that three persons were beaten to death while another was injured in clashes between members of two communities at Muhammadpurraisingh village. Residents of Muhammadpurraisingh clashed with people belonging to Hussainpur village that led to the death of the three youths.

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