Our politicians have let down the people
Our politicians have let down the people
Anna Hazare continues to attract supporters in hordes. Our politicians , evidently rattled, wonder why even youngsters, who had re..

Anna Hazare continues to attract supporters in hordes. Our politicians , evidently rattled, wonder why even youngsters, who had remained ever so passive, flock to him. Powered by the social networks and an aggressive media, the movement has generated an impetus like never before.Why does the fight against corruption strike a chord with so many? The question is worth pondering. We have completed over 60 years since Independence. Can we ever say, with pride, that we have rendered social and economic justice to our people? The dream of the founding fathers of our republic remains unfulfilled. The gap between the ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’ has but only increased.Many of our people live in abject poverty.  The middle class that earn stipulated, monthly salaries pay income tax in proportion to their income. On the other hand, some among the professionals continue to amass wealth but evade payment of taxes actually due. There are many business men who evade their actual liability with the assistance of politicians, clever accountants and government officials. And the saddest part is that everybody knows this fact; yet we fail to respond.Amidst all this disparity and injustice, we remain dormant ; but seething with anger and frustration. We know that we have been hampered in our progress. Infrastructure projects breed corruption. Scams have become the order of the day. It took a Wikileaks to publish the details of the billions hoarded in Swiss accounts.Clearly, our politicians have failed to identify with the needs of the people.I distinctly remember that in the 1970s Jayaprakash Narayan had initiated a people’s movement. But gradually, it too toed the line and culminated in the Janatha Party. The original aim was squandered or forgotten. This is something that the present movement would have to guard against. We do not need yet another political party. We need a corrective force.The momentum has actually gained strength without turning into a violent protest.It is really heartening to see our youngsters tread the path of non-violence. Credit goes to Team Anna. It is common knowledge that even political parties are forced to attract people for their large rallies by offering money and liquor. How else could they attract the discontented and disinterested lot ?That thousands have gathered in support of the movement on their own issomething that we have not witnessed for long. Public consciousness has evolved like never before. This represents hope; the hope of our people to clear the cobwebs of the past and start anew. The best time to plant a tree was hundred years ago. The second best time is NOW.(The writer can be contacted at www.kochousephchittilappilly.com)

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