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The invalid vote cast by the CPM nominee K Bhaskaran in the poll for the post of chairman of the Mattanur municipality caused a flutter among political circles here on Saturday.
Bhaskaran’s vote was held invalid as he had forgotten to affix his signature on the ballot paper.
The CPM leadership here had announced on Friday that K Bhaskaran would be the candidate of the party for the chairmanship of the municipality.
He is also the vice-chairman of the outgoing municipal council.
The lapse on the part of the CPM nominee for the post of chairman also evoked much laughter among rival political circles.
There were reports that there had been some disputes in the CPM over the choice of the candidate for chairmanship.
Eventually, the CPM leadership clarified that there was no dispute in the party over the issue and that the reports in this connection were totally baseless.
The second invalid vote was that of V Tasleema, Muslim League candidate for the post of vice-chairperson.
The name of the candidate for whom she cast her vote in the poll for the chairmanship couldn’t be identified.
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