Nalina tragedy: Action against negligence
Nalina tragedy: Action against negligence
BANGALORE: Following the death of 22-year-old Nalina Reddy during a mock fire drill by the Department of Fire Services in Bombay R..

BANGALORE: Following the death of 22-year-old Nalina Reddy during a mock fire drill by the Department of Fire Services in Bombay Rayon Fashion factory on Friday, DGP Fire Services A R Infant said they will review procedures before undertaking such drills but said the drills will go on. “We will examine men, materials and every aspect in detail before embarking on mock fire evacuation drills,” Infant said. Terming Friday’s incident as “most tragic”, Infant told Express that it was a “one in a thousand case”. What happened on Friday was an “accident” which even the fire department personnel had not anticipated, the DGP said.  “In fact, whenever such mock drills are conducted, we don’t compel anybody to volunteer. In most cases, staff members themselves volunteer. Several years ago, in Trivnadrum, two or three firemen suffered fire injuries and died during a mock drill. In the past too there have been injuries during drills but this is the first death.”Infant said the department will continue to hold mock fire drills to educate people on how to react during emergencies. Already, an inquiry is in the process to find out what exactly went wrong on Friday, he said. “Stringent action will be taken against the personnel concerned if the inquiry points to negligence during the mock drill,” Infant said.

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