The Mysugar Factory which was built during the British period has resumed its crushing operations for the year 2023-24. The Sugar Minister Shivanand Patil launched the crushing operations of this pre-independence era sugar mill earlier this month. It is the only state-run Sugar Factory in the Karnataka state located in the Mandya district.
During the launch, the Sugar Minister claimed that the factory would crush 1,500 to 2,000 tonnes for the first few days and later increase the capacity to 3,000 to 5,000 tonnes per day. It was supposed to begin operations on June 30 but due to a technical snag in the turbine, the crushing operations was delayed to July. The factory is expected to mill one lakh tonnes of sugarcane.
Karnataka’s first sugar factory established during the British era was located in Mandya which is also popularly known as Sugar City. Around 1933, Krishna Raja Wadiyar IV, who was the Maharaja of Mysore, started this sugar factory with the cooperation of a British scientist named Coleman. Since then, Mandya Mysugar Factory has been making its contribution to the development of India despite facing many setbacks. About 2 lakh tonnes of sugarcane are still processed in this factory.
Usually, sugar is produced from July to February. Mandya Sugar Factory was shut down from 2015 to 2017 due to various reasons. It resumed in 2018 and was functional till 2019. The doors of the mill were again closed from the same year to 2022. It resumed later in the year. In 2023-24, about 2.40 lakh tonnes of sugarcane has been milled. The Mysugar factory is ready for sugar production again.
Farmers here have been cultivating sugarcane for many years. Due to this, more sugar is prepared in this factory and exported not only to the country but also to foreign countries. At present, sugarcane crushing has started in this factory for the current year and it is expected to crush 2.5 lakh tonnes of sugarcane. It also exports its sugarcane to different states of India.
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