(K)not for Women!!!
(K)not for Women!!!
Follow us:WhatsappFacebookTwitterTelegram.cls-1{fill:#4d4d4d;}.cls-2{fill:#fff;}Google NewsWe all must have heard of the saying "Behind every successful man, there is a woman.". And there is tag to it too - "Behind every unsuccessful man, there are two." So, if we go for statistical correlation - success has nothing to do with women being there with men but failure surely has a strong correlation to women.

Though often referred to as the "fairer sex" (note the pun), women have not done much credible in the past centuries, as is usually potrayed. And it is utter nonsense to believe that men have degraded the status of women in the society. On the contrary, men, in fact, have toiled hard for the emancipation of the "woman-kind".

Nature has been cruel (or just) on women too. God, at some point of HIS creation-spree must have decided to act as a Capitalist and endow men with power and women with things which have no distant relations, whatsoever, with power. No wonder, Bill Gates was not born a woman. Neither were Michael Schumacher or Mahatma Gandhi. (It is a serious nightmare even to contemplate about them being born as women.).

A certain obsessed lady wrote to me lately saying how attractive women are and that women are God's most beautiful creation. With due respect to all Kournikovas and the Bipashas of the world, I think that most of us would rather prefer to watch the first raindrops of the season disappear in the sand or the dolphins dancing to symphony than watching malnourished and "malfunctioned"(wardrobically!!!) women. Methinks, the word 'beautiful' loses its meaning and essence the moment the word 'women' is pronounced after it. They are just so oxymoronic.

Women have always been the reason for major fights and disasters. If we regress the story of Mahabharta and analyze why the epic fight was fought - we would easily find the reason to be Draupadi (a woman). Ram fought Ravana for Sita (again, a woman). And we all know what Cleopatra, Helen and Mata Hari have in common - they were all the reasons behind major historical fights and wars. Taking a peek into literature - Catherine was the reason why Heathcliff turned vengeful, Devdas became a deadman because of two women and. Moving on to films - Caprio dies to save Winslet from drowning and Raj gets creamed up by Simran's father and his goons only because he loves her. The examples are innumerable.

Liberalization. A mantra which women today chant every morning even before waking up. But liberalization from what or who? If women were emotionally and physically strong enough, then am sure they would not have been subjugated in the first place. And subjugation from whom? Men? And to help them out of their subjugation they seek men. That, people, is their game plan - make men fight amongst themselves and get ruined.

Some people love to name achievers. But just to refresh their memories - for every Aang Sang Soo Kyi there are tens of Subhash Boses; for every hundreds of JK Rowling there are hundreds of Paulo Coelhos; for every Marie Curie there are thousands of John Nashes; for every Chris Evert there are millions of Tiger Woods. And I presume that women are intelligent enough to comprehend the difference between one and a million.

If there is anything, which is more complex and complicated than a toad's anatomy - it is the mind of the woman. One moment they plant a peck on your cheek and the very next moment, you feel their knees crashing into your belly. I wrote this blog with a little fear in my mind. I wrote this without my girlfriend's knowledge (I do not need her; she needs me). No, I am not scared of her. Maybe after reading this article, she might kiss me on my cheek. It is the next moment that I fear!!

About the AuthorAbhijit Bhattacharya The author is a Marketing professional in the field of broadcast media for more than 9 years now.

He was born in Kolkata, where he finished his hig...Read Morefirst published:April 20, 2006, 19:51 ISTlast updated:April 20, 2006, 19:51 IST
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We all must have heard of the saying "Behind every successful man, there is a woman.". And there is tag to it too - "Behind every unsuccessful man, there are two." So, if we go for statistical correlation - success has nothing to do with women being there with men but failure surely has a strong correlation to women.

Though often referred to as the "fairer sex" (note the pun), women have not done much credible in the past centuries, as is usually potrayed. And it is utter nonsense to believe that men have degraded the status of women in the society. On the contrary, men, in fact, have toiled hard for the emancipation of the "woman-kind".

Nature has been cruel (or just) on women too. God, at some point of HIS creation-spree must have decided to act as a Capitalist and endow men with power and women with things which have no distant relations, whatsoever, with power. No wonder, Bill Gates was not born a woman. Neither were Michael Schumacher or Mahatma Gandhi. (It is a serious nightmare even to contemplate about them being born as women.).

A certain obsessed lady wrote to me lately saying how attractive women are and that women are God's most beautiful creation. With due respect to all Kournikovas and the Bipashas of the world, I think that most of us would rather prefer to watch the first raindrops of the season disappear in the sand or the dolphins dancing to symphony than watching malnourished and "malfunctioned"(wardrobically!!!) women. Methinks, the word 'beautiful' loses its meaning and essence the moment the word 'women' is pronounced after it. They are just so oxymoronic.

Women have always been the reason for major fights and disasters. If we regress the story of Mahabharta and analyze why the epic fight was fought - we would easily find the reason to be Draupadi (a woman). Ram fought Ravana for Sita (again, a woman). And we all know what Cleopatra, Helen and Mata Hari have in common - they were all the reasons behind major historical fights and wars. Taking a peek into literature - Catherine was the reason why Heathcliff turned vengeful, Devdas became a deadman because of two women and. Moving on to films - Caprio dies to save Winslet from drowning and Raj gets creamed up by Simran's father and his goons only because he loves her. The examples are innumerable.

Liberalization. A mantra which women today chant every morning even before waking up. But liberalization from what or who? If women were emotionally and physically strong enough, then am sure they would not have been subjugated in the first place. And subjugation from whom? Men? And to help them out of their subjugation they seek men. That, people, is their game plan - make men fight amongst themselves and get ruined.

Some people love to name achievers. But just to refresh their memories - for every Aang Sang Soo Kyi there are tens of Subhash Boses; for every hundreds of JK Rowling there are hundreds of Paulo Coelhos; for every Marie Curie there are thousands of John Nashes; for every Chris Evert there are millions of Tiger Woods. And I presume that women are intelligent enough to comprehend the difference between one and a million.

If there is anything, which is more complex and complicated than a toad's anatomy - it is the mind of the woman. One moment they plant a peck on your cheek and the very next moment, you feel their knees crashing into your belly. I wrote this blog with a little fear in my mind. I wrote this without my girlfriend's knowledge (I do not need her; she needs me). No, I am not scared of her. Maybe after reading this article, she might kiss me on my cheek. It is the next moment that I fear!!

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