Fruits of our own past Karma
Fruits of our own past Karma
BANGALORE: God does not recognise our intelligence, sharpness, educational qualifications, skills, talents, wealth, fame or profes..

BANGALORE: God does not recognise our intelligence, sharpness, educational qualifications, skills, talents, wealth, fame or profession as much as we expect. This is because these qualities are basically the fruits of our own past karma. He recognises only the divine qualities and characteristics in us. This is the key to achieve and succeed in life as well as in meditation.Today, we do not know how strong our willpower is because it keeps fluctuating. On an average, it may be at ten or fifteen per cent in most of us or it may even be much lower or higher than this.How do we find out whether our willpower is strong or weak? There is a simple indicator for this. Our willpower is directly proportional to the extent of confidence in us at any point of time. That means when our confidence is down, our willpower is also low and when our confidence is high, our willpower is also high. We begin each day with the hope that it will bring us new energy, new feelings, new circumstances, new inspiration and new ideas.However, when things do not go as we plan, how do we take it? When we are confronted by obstacles and challenges, how do we respond? Do we remain confident and take it in our stride or do we get frustrated and disheartened? This reveals the level of our willpower to us. So, though the ability to will is always inside each one of us, it has to be activated and brought out fully if we want to drop undesirable traits and nurture good ones.How do we tap our willpower and harness our minds? How do we begin this activation? If we take a look at ourselves, we will find that there are three aspects which refine and define our lives every moment. They are our relationship with the materialistic world, our relationship with Divinity and our relationship with our Soul.When we integrate these three aspects harmoniously through meditation, our willpower is activated.As we have seen, our relationship with the Soul is dependent on how much time we set aside for communing with it every day. Our relationship with the outer, materialistic world is encompassed by time and space and dependent on the state of the body, mind and intellect.The more we develop our body, mind and intellect, the better we understand the outer world.Our relationship with Divinity is not defined only by the external modes of worship like rites and rituals, but also by the divine qualities we have nurtured in ourselves. If love, care, compassion, tolerance, patience, forgiveness, acceptance, devotion, dedication and selfless service are a part of our inner core, our vibrations are in sync with Divinity. God does not recognise our intelligence, sharpness, educational qualifications, skills, talents, wealth, fame or profession as much as we expect. This is because these qualities are basically the fruits of our own past karma. He recognises only the divine qualities and characteristics in us.This article is taken from the book “Between You and Me Meditation Made Simple” authored by His Holiness Shri Shri Nimishananda Guruji.

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