What Sign Should Pisces Women Date?
What Sign Should Pisces Women Date?
Pisces women make extraordinary partners. Gentle, imaginative, and compassionate, dating a Pisces can often feel like a dream come true. They deserve someone who can match their boundless innovation and offer the same empathy they show to others. While every sign in the zodiac can make a relationship work with a Pisces, certain ones are better suited to connecting romantically and finding true love. In this article, we’ll break down which signs are perfect for a Pisces woman, which signs may have a harder time connecting (and how to work through this conflict), and offer some expert wisdom on how to make a Pisces woman fall in love with you!This article is based on an interview with our astrologer and performance artist, Angel Eyedealism. Check out the full interview here.
Things You Should Know
  • The best match for Pisces women are other water signs like Cancer and Scorpio, who value emotional intimacy in the same way they do.
  • Earth signs (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo) are also great matches for Pisces, as they have the patience and practicality to help Pisces realize their dreams.
  • Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) are elementally opposite Pisces, which offers mixed results in relationships. However, their passion can stimulate Pisces’ creativity.
  • Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) are the worst matches for Pisces. The two signs’ mutual detachment causes rifts in long-term relationships.

Best Matches

Cancer Pisces and Cancer understand each other’s sensitivity. Both water signs, each recognizes the profound value of emotional expression and communicates using the same gentle approach. Cancer and Pisces innately know how to nurture and take care of one another which makes it easy for these two to fulfill each other physically, emotionally, and mentally. While both Cancer and Pisces can have quick tempers, they can use their watery tenderness to put out these fires. As long as they use healthy argument tactics like “I feel…” statements and pausing when things get intense, these two are a sublime pairing. Love astrology? Take this quiz to discover your soulmate’s sign.

Scorpio Scorpio knows how to match Pisces’ emotional intensity. Both water signs who feel things deeply, Scorpio and Pisces share each other’s passions and worldviews. Because Scorpio is a fixed sign, they have a natural confidence and stoicism. This can help protect the often vulnerable Pisces. Meanwhile, Pisces’ whimsical idealism will brighten Scorpio’s spirits and remind them not to take things so seriously. In addition, because Pisces is mutable and can match energies easily, they can easily meet Scorpio’s Mars-ruled all-or-nothing approach to physical intimacy. Scorpio and Pisces both have tendencies to be detached. Scorpio puts up walls and Pisces disappears into their own head. If these two can be present with one another by avoiding multitasking and asking thoughtful questions regularly, they’re a perfect match.

Taurus Taurus is romantic and patient, which Pisces loves. The youngest Earth sign, Taurus is known for simple practicality. But Taurus is also ruled by Venus: the planet of love and romance. Pisces women are the most romantic of the zodiac so their hearts will be happy with Taurus’ loving gestures. In addition, Taurus is deeply in touch with their bodies, which will help Pisces get in touch with their sensual side. As a mutable sign, Pisces is all about adapting and changing for the better. However, this may rub the fixed sign Taurus the wrong way. If Pisces regularly assures Taurus they love them as they are and Taurus acknowledges Pisces’ love of change can be good, these signs will meet each other’s needs beautifully.

Capricorn Pisces and Capricorn make an ambitious power couple. Ruling the tenth house of status, Capricorn loves to achieve. And Pisces’ humanitarian instincts fill them with great ideas on how to make the world a better place. Capricorn can use their earthy practicality to help Pisces manifest their dreams into reality and Pisces can use their watery empathy to help Capricorn learn to connect with people more deeply. Both Pisces and Capricorn struggle with self-care. Capricorn forgoes their own well-being in the name of working harder, while Pisces wears themself to thin caring for others. Maintaining health by eating right, getting enough sleep, and practicing mindfulness is essential for these two signs to stay together.

Virgo Pisces and Virgo are perfect opposites. On opposite sides of the zodiacal chart’s 6th axis (the axis of learning beyond the self), Pisces and Virgo have the same common mission of uncovering the world’s truths. Virgo, an Earth sign, focuses on analyzing and solving problems while Pisces focuses on how these problems make people feel. Their common interest and diverse skill set makes starting a relationship easy. Plus, since both signs tend to have a more shy demeanor, their dates will allow them to slowly peel back each other’s layers, driving each other crazy with attraction. Reminding each other to open up emotionally is key in a Virgo-Pisces dynamic. Virgo’s Earthy and analytical approach can sometimes come off as critical to the sensitive Pisces. Expressing vulnerability allows Virgo to unlock a new layer of understanding and connection with their Pisces partner.

Leo Pisces and Leo can learn a lot from each other. A fire sign ruled by the bright and loud Sun, Leo’s showmanship and courage can help guide Pisces out of their introverted bubble and inspire more people. This makes their relationship feel sexy and free. Meanwhile, Pisces has the emotional depth and selflessness to support Leo in the way only a partner can. Strange as it sounds, Pisces and Leo make an excellent couple. The biggest obstacle between Pisces and Leo is Leo’s love of attention. Pisces doesn’t love being the focus, so as long as Leo protects Pisces’ privacy in their bold displays of affection, these two will get along great.

Worst Matches

Pisces Two Pisces often cancel each other out. Since Pisces is ruled by Jupiter (the planet of expansion), they have a rich imagination and spend a lot of time in their own head. This means a Pisces-Pisces pair often struggles to connect with each other in the real world. In addition, having such a similar partner may hurt Pisces’ sense of identity and individuality. A Pisces-Pisces couple can be great as long as they have strong senses of self and focus on what makes each of them unique. When they develop interests outside of their partner (taking classes, trying new hobbies), their relationship will become much richer.

Aquarius Aquarius struggles to meet Pisces’ need for stability. The two oldest zodiac signs, Pisces and Aquarius have a lot in common. They’re both deeply humanitarian in their goals, they both love to spend time in their heads, and they both have eccentric ways of communicating. However, airy Aquarius struggles with commitment and being present. Those are two things that Pisces needs to truly feel safe and intimate in a long-term relationship. If Aquarius can embrace the fact that it’s a fixed sign and learn to appreciate discipline and routine, they’ll find an everlasting love with a Pisces partner.

Libra Pisces doesn’t always appreciate Libra’s diplomacy. Represented by the scales, Libra is all about balance. An air sign, gifted with communication skills, they’re great at defusing arguments and adjusting their personalities to help people understand each other. However, Pisces, ruling the house of the unknown, is all about getting to the core truth. They may get frustrated by Libra’s tactful conversation style, finding it phony and wishing a Libra would just say what they truly mean. If a Libra can embrace the strong initiative of their cardinal rulership and speak their truth, whether people like it or not, they’ll earn Pisces’ love and respect forever more. And Pisces will rally against anyone who tries to hurt their Libra partner.

Sagittarius Pisces and Sagittarius are equally imaginative, but may lean too much on each other. Both Pisces and Sagittarius are ruled by Jupiter. Therefore, they’re equally philosophical and creative. They love expanding their minds so they’ll never run out of things to talk about. However, since they’re both mutable signs, they may put too much of their identity in adapting to their partners’ personalities, leading to a co-dependent dynamic where they have no sense of self outside of their romantic relationship. A great Pisces-Sagittarius relationship is all about setting healthy boundaries. If these two allow each other to spend time alone and express their needs clearly, they’ll be a passionate pair with every conversation setting off titillating sparks.

Aries Aries and Pisces are exact opposites. Aries is a cardinal fire sign, the youngest of the zodiac, while Pisces is a mutable water sign, the oldest of the zodiac. Aries is an outgoing, headstrong risk taker while Pisces is more shy, gentle, and lets the world come to them. There is a chance opposites attract and these two balance each other as a couple. However, their conflicting approach to life often leads to a lot of resentment and makes intimacy difficult. Aries and Pisces can date effectively if they find compromise in how they handle confrontation. If Aries practices constructive confrontation (using “I” statements and focusing on the issue, not the person) and Pisces stands up for themselves, there’s a chance these signs bond over their creativity and passion, making for a unique, unexpected love affair.

Gemini Gemini and Pisces don’t have a lot in common. Gemini, ruled by Mercury (the planet of communication), loves to socialize and debate. Pisces, on the other hand, has a detriment in Mercury, meaning communication is difficult for them. In addition, Gemini’s love of chaos and thick skin may rub the more emotional Pisces the wrong way. Gemini and Pisces can work as a pair. It just requires both of them to leap far outside of their comfort zones. If Gemini can get comfortable talking less and listening more and Pisces can learn to prioritize intellectual pursuits over emotional intimacy, these signs will take each other on a wild ride of a relationship.

Attracting a Pisces Woman

Impress her with your creativity. Pisces are the most imaginative sign of the entire zodiac. They love expressing themselves through artistic endeavors like fashion, music, and poetry. If you want to attract a Pisces woman, show her an artistic skill you have by playing a song for her, wearing an aesthetic outfit, or asking for her thoughts on something you’ve written. If you can indulge her creative side, even better! Try bonding over activities that stimulate her imagination. Take her to a painting class, an artsy film, or a bookstore.

Show her your romantic side. Pisces women are hopeless romantics. If you’re trying to woo a Pisces, don’t be afraid of buying her flowers, making her a candlelight dinner, or taking her to an idyllic location for a date. Don’t worry too hard about your romantic gestures being unique. While Pisces value originality in self-expression, they don’t mind a little cliché in their love life. Romantic gestures don’t always have to be big, either! Leave her notes that you’re thinking about her. Give her a sweet, unexpected voicemail. The little things can go a long way too.

Open up to her emotionally. Pisces need emotional connection; they feel the most intimate with someone when they’re sharing their feelings. Be vulnerable with your Pisces woman. Talk openly about your fears, hopes, and dreams. She’ll match your openness and feel like she can trust you as a romantic partner if you do. If your Pisces woman opens up to you, avoid fixing. Don’t try and offer solutions to her situation as this can come off as invalidating. Actively listen by clarifying what you hear (“It sounds like you’re feeling…”) and offering support (“I can understand how you feel…”). Pisces prefer connection over direct action.

Give her compliments and reassurance. Pisces women are deeply intuitive, but, because they spend so much time embracing the unknown (they rule the house of death after all), they can regularly doubt their abilities. Give your Pisces woman lots of reassurance. Tell her things you like about her. Send her encouraging texts and remind her often of her many wonderful traits. Compliments don’t have to be super deep. Try adding them to your daily routine. When you see an outfit she put work into, say “I love that fit! You always look so nice” or, if she makes an interesting point, “What a wonderful idea. You offer such great insight.”

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