Find yourself a blog-hosting site. Just as with any blog, the first and most important step is choosing a site that will best suit your needs. Some great places to start are,, and
Choose a fictional world that will appeal to you and that you won't lose interest in. One easy place to start is with a world that has already been created--that way you have a landscape, characters, and a history pre-made and ready to build on. If you are a fan of the Star Wars Galaxy or the Gilmore Girls TV show, you could choose one of these worlds as a framework into which you can insert your blogging persona. Or, if you want to make up your own world, spend some time thinking up the rules that you're going to play by before you start writing, so you can narrow down the scope of your project so that it's more manageable.
Choose the right character. Be careful not to pigeonhole yourself too much, because you're going to be stuck with this character for a long time! The trick is to pick someone who's enough like yourself that when you sit down to write an entry, you'll be able to get inside that character's head and write as if you were them. Remember, this isn't just a short story you're writing, it's a blog, so you need to be able to write your entries as if they're the diary entries of a real person. The more natural your character seems, the better.
Write out a story arc. Spend some time working out what you want the overall direction of your story to be. This doesn't mean you have to put down every little detail before you start posting entries, but it really helps to have an idea of where you're going with your story, rather than making it up on the fly. As a fictional blogger, you don't have the luxury that other bloggers have of being able to sit down and report the events of the day as they happened--you have to make that part up, and it helps a lot if you know in advance what you want to happen in the long run.
Find your market. Once you're ready to develop a readership, have a look for the sorts of people who might be interested in your fictional blog. Your friends and family are a great place to start, but you might also want to look for online communities that specialize in the subject matter you're writing about. If you're writing a fictional blog about the Star Wars Universe, let people on Star Wars message boards or fan sites know about your blog. If your blog is set in a fantasy world, spend some time looking for online communities that are interested in new fantasy literature.
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