![How to Tie Strong Knots](https://cdn.chuka-chuka.com/news/32/8f/77/328f7740d039e4e4500e647240a04ee0-b.jpg)
Tying Useful Camping Knots
Make a secure loop with a Bowline Knot for support or a handle. Create a loop near the end of the rope, then pass the working end of the rope through it. Pull the working end around the straight line of the rope, then back through the loop going the other direction. Pull tightly to secure. This is a great knot if you need to secure something to a post--simply loop the knot over the top. You can also use the Bowline as a handle or step in an emergency situation, if you need to rescue someone who’s fallen. Make it about a hand-span across to create an easy grasp. When tied correctly, the bowline won’t slip or tighten.
Use a Clove Hitch for a quick but less secure alternative to the Bowline. First, make a loop around the post or tree, near the end of the rope. Make a second loop just above the first. Slide the free end of the rope under the second loop and tighten. This knot is quick and easy to tie, but may slip. To make it more secure, use another knot as backup, such as the Bowline.
Connect a rope to the middle of another rope with the Rolling Hitch. Wrap the end of 1 rope twice around the main line. Pull the same end across the 2 wraps, tuck it under the main line and pull through to tighten. This is a great knot to use if you need to lengthen or add a leg to a rope that’s already tied.
Secure 2 ropes together with the Square Knot. Cross the left end of one rope under the right end of the other, as though you’re beginning to tie a shoe, and pull gently. Take the ends again and cross them in the opposite direction, pulling right under left. A simple, secure tie, this quick knot is perfect for tying 2 ropes together for a longer line, or tying up both ends of a single rope to secure a bundle.
Tie a Timber Hitch to haul a cylindrical object or use as a support. Loop the rope around the cylindrical object, then wrap it once around the standing rope. Pull the rope back towards the cylinder and wrap it around the loop 3-4 times. Tighten until the wrapped rope is snug against the object. This type of knot is often used to haul logs, and can also be used to shore up a support.
Shorten a line with the Sheepshank Knot. Fold your rope to your desired length, creating 2 loops on a flat surface. Create a small loop in the top end of the rope, passing the end over the standing rope. Take the large, nearby loop and pass it down through the small circle. Repeat using the other end of the rope, again making sure that the end of the rope is passed over the standing section. Pull the other loop down through this circle. Pull the knot from either side to tighten. This knot will only hold tight with a constant tension from either side. If the rope will be stretched back and forth, on and off, tape down the 2 loops to keep the knot secure.
Use the Tripod Lashing to tie 3 poles together. Place your 3 poles side by side on the ground. Tie a Clove Hitch around an end pole, near the tip of the pole, then wrap the rope 5-6 times around all of the poles. Then, wrap the rope twice around the line between each pole, going back towards the pole you started with. Finish by tying the loose end of the rope to the end of the original Clove Hitch. You can spread the legs of this tripod and use it for different purposes around your camp. The Tripod Lashing is often used for making shelters.
Tie a Square Lashing to secure 2 crossed poles. Begin by tying a Clove Hitch to the bottom pole, close to where the 2 poles cross. Take the length of the rope and tie it around both poles 5-6 times, passing under the bottom pole and over the top pole on both sides. Then, wrap the rope between the poles and around these lines 2-3 times. Use a Square Knot to tie the free end of the rope to the end of the original Clove Hitch Knot. This knot is great for building larger shelters, making camp chairs or bridges, or simply securing 2 poles together.
Making Secure Fishing Knots
Tie line to your hooks and lures with the Improved Clinch Knot. Run the end of your line through the hook eye and pull 6 to 12 inches (15 to 30 cm) through. Leaving a small gap right next to the hook eye, wrap the end of the line around the standing line 5-6 times. Slide the end through the loop near the hook eye, then turn the end and run it back through the second loop you just created. Gently pull the tag end and the standing line to tighten the knot, using saliva or water to keep the knot lubricated. This is considered the most important fishing knot to know. It’s strong and reliable, and is used to secure fishing line to hooks, lures, and swivels.
Use a Blood Knot to tie 2 fishing lines together. Hold both lines in your hands and cross the right line over the left. Wrap the right line over the left 3-4 times. Then, take the working end of the right line and tuck it back in at the original crossing of the 2 lines, pulling it up and through. Pinch it with your left hand and repeat the wrapping process on the other side. Wrap the left line over the right 3-4 times, in the opposite direction as your first wrapping. Pull the working end back towards the original junction, pulling it back through the loop. Spit on the loop to lubricate, then tighten by gently pulling the standing lines. The finished knot will create 2 tight spirals of line on either side. You can trim the tag ends of the knot to keep it neat, or leave them hanging. This knot is great if you want to use up broken fishing line, or a line with an odd length. It works best with lines that have the same or very similar diameters.
Tie a Surgeon’s Knot to connect 2 lines of different diameters. Set the 2 ends of the lines next to each other, with each end pointing in a different direction. Hold them together to form a loop. Then, wrap 1 end through and around the loop 2-3 times. Moisten the loop with saliva or water to lubricate, then gently pull both ends to tighten. You can trim off the hanging ends if desired.
Strengthen your line with the Spider Hitch Knot. Fold your line near one end so that you have 5 to 6 inches (13 to 15 cm) of overlap. 2 to 3 inches (5.1 to 7.6 cm) from the end of the overlap, make a loop out of both lines and pinch it with your thumb and forefinger. Wrap the 2 lines together around your thumb until you get to the fold. Pull the fold once around the original loop, then pull it through. Slip your thumb out and gently pull to tighten.
Tying a Figure Eight Follow-Through Knot for Rock Climbing
Grab the rope closest to the wall. The rope you’ll be securing to your harness is the one closer to the wall. Your belayer will use the other rope.
Take an arms-length stretch of rope and create a loop. Hold the end of the rope in one hand and stretch it back across your chest with the other. Take a 5 to 6 inches (13 to 15 cm) past your arms-length to ensure you’ll have enough rope. Make a small loop at this point, dropping the tail end to the ground.
Wrap the end of the rope around the loop and pull it through. Pick up the tail end again and wrap it around the loop, drawing it across the other rope as you do so. Slide the end through the original loop and pull it through to tighten. This is your basic Figure Eight Follow-Through Knot.
Pull the end of the rope through the loops in your harness. To use this knot in a climbing harness, pull the tail end up through your straps. Pull it through until the knot is about a fist’s-width away from the harness.
Trace the knot over a second time. Bring the tail end of the rope through the bottom loop of the knot. Bring it over the top loop and back through, tracing the lines of the initial knot until you can pull the rope out the top.
“Dress” the knot to tighten it for a more secure fit. Fold the top, outer loop of the knot slightly in towards your body. Grab 2 ends of the knot and pull, then switch and pull the other two ends. To make sure you’ve tied the knot correctly, count 5 pairs of rope: 2 ropes going into the knot, 2 ropes for each of the 3 loops, and 2 ropes coming out.
Practicing Good Knot-Tying Skills
Check a rope’s strength and elasticity before use. Make sure your rope is clean, dry, and in good condition before you use it. Check its strength and elasticity by checking the rope packaging. You want to make that the rope can do the job you need it for. If you’re not sure that a rope is strong enough for an important job, it’s better not to risk it.
Tie your knots on a flat surface to keep the rope from twisting. Lay your rope out flat, when possible, and make sure it doesn’t twist or bind while you tie. Keep the tension even and watch the knot’s form as you make it, adjusting when necessary. It’s best to tie your knots on a flat surface, like the ground or a table. Once you get more practice, though, you’ll be able to tie them just about anywhere.
Take an in-person knot-tying class for personalized help. Survival classes, including some focused especially on tying knots, are offered through outdoors and camping stores, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts organizations, and some boating and sailing brands. Look online to see what classes are offered near you and call to ask for prices, which can vary.
Practice your knots as much as you can. Before using a knot in an important situation, you want to make sure you’ve completely mastered it. Practice tying your knots at home with a length of rope, checking each time to make sure the knot is correctly tied. When you’re confident in a knot, start using it on camping and fishing trips! Dedicate extra practice time before you go rock-climbing, or on a camping, boating, or fishing trip. A strong knot can save your life in some situations, so it’s important to practice this skill until it’s second nature.
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