How to Take More “Me Time” for Yourself & Enjoy It: Simple Tips
How to Take More “Me Time” for Yourself & Enjoy It: Simple Tips
No matter what age you are, you should be able to relax once in a while, especially when you have a busy schedule. This can seem hard to do with the demands of work, school, and family life, but it's more doable than you might think—and also important to your overall well-being. Read on for a complete overview on how to make more time for yourself (and what to do with the time once you have it)!
How to Get More “Me Time”

Making Time for Yourself

Give yourself permission and set your intentions beforehand. First, remind yourself that you deserve to have time for yourself. Let go of any guilt you may feel over prioritizing your needs and focus instead on genuinely enjoying the time you set aside for yourself. From there, reflect on what, exactly, you want to do and write down your specific intentions on paper to help you commit to them. For example, you might set an intention to make 1 hour of time for yourself every day. Alternatively, you might resolve to set aside 1 full day of "me time" each weekend. By setting intentions, you’re basically affirming your commitment to making time for yourself.

Remind yourself that imperfections are okay. Many people get bogged down by the need to get every task just right—to the point that they might stay after work, answer work emails on the weekend, or put off sleeping until all their chores are done. However, that doesn’t leave you much free time! Instead, accept that you can’t always get everything done (and that you deserve “me time” regardless). Once you're officially off the clock each day, even if you have more work to do, try putting everything down and focus on doing something you want. Remember: most tasks can wait, and you’ll have another opportunity to do them. Also, taking time away from important tasks can actually improve your performance.

Schedule free time for yourself daily. Some people are great at scheduling tasks for everyone else—but don’t do anything for themselves. So, be kind to yourself! Create a timeslot reserved for “me time” every day, if possible, or at least a few times per week, and treat those times like you would any work or family commitment. For example, you could block off an hour in the evening that you can't break unless it’s an emergency. If you’re wondering how much “me time” people need, the answer is that it varies based on your individual needs. You might be happy with just 30 minutes or crave a full 24 hours! This doesn't need to be time alone, just time spent doing things you enjoy. This can be watching a movie with a friend or even going out to dinner. Making time for yourself can come in many forms!

Pinpoint specific activities to do in your free time. Finding specific things to do can not only give you a clearer picture of what you want to do but a concrete goal to make yourself start pursuing with alone time. For instance, you could focus on activities you enjoy but don’t usually do, like reading, watching a TV show, or exercising. Make sure they’re activities you really enjoy! If you're feeling stuck, try thinking of things you enjoyed when you were younger, like a hobby you used to really love. You might feel inspired to give it another shot!

Change your routine to make time for yourself. It may not always be possible to squeeze in time during the day for yourself, but you can usually make time before or after work. Instead of getting up at 6:30 to rush off for work, get up a half hour earlier. Spend this time doing something you like before your day starts. This is a great way to jumpstart the workday! If you can't make a significant amount of time for yourself at first, start small and take mini-breaks throughout the day! A mini-break could be just a few minutes (perhaps 5 to 10) that you spend doing something for yourself (like deep breathing, meditating, stretching, or having a quick snack). This can be a great exercise to do consistently; the more you find mini-breaks for yourself, the more they'll add up over time.

Set personal and professional boundaries for yourself. In short, learn to say “no.” Don't keep taking on endless tasks. Rather, understand that you have a limit—and it’s okay to say no to things without feeling guilty or like you’re slacking off. Draw boundaries to ensure you have time to yourself, even when work or your social life complicates things. For example, you might draw a boundary by refusing to answer a work call after hours or during your break. You might also set a boundary by reserving a certain chunk of time for yourself and keeping it clear, even if someone tries to make plans with you during that time. Ultimately, even if you’re not used to saying “no,” most people will understand as long as you lay out your boundaries respectfully.

Delegate responsibilities and ask for help. Make time by assigning tasks and chores to other people instead of taking them all on yourself. It can seem like everything is critical, especially when it comes to work and chores around the house—but there’s usually more flexibility than you think. Delegate some responsibility or cut out what isn’t necessary to clear your schedule. Ask your family to give you a hand. You might ask your child to do chores or your spouse to run to the grocery store, for example—which can give you 20 free minutes to yourself. Find jobs to outsource. This may hurt your budget a little, but consider finding a service to mow your lawn or a cleaning service to help around the house. If you're bogged down at work, find help. This can be someone under you at work, a co-worker, or even asking a boss to help lessen your load.

Unplug from your electronics during your “me time.” It's easy to get sucked into a social media app (or even work emails) for hours—which, in turn, may end up consuming all of your free time. For an hour each day, try putting down your phone or computer (or at least limiting the amount of work and social media scrolling you do on them). Make the most of your time by being present in your own skin rather than mindlessly wrapped up in an app. Set specific limits on work-related things like checking your email. Decide on a time you’re allowed to check your email and stay away from it until then!

Things to Do During “Me Time”

Get some exercise. Exercise and physical activities are great ways to relieve stress and get healthy at the same time. After all, exercise is important for both your mental and physical health! When you exercise regularly, it’ll become part of a routine (something you consistently make time for). So, find some kind of exercise you want to try and reserve it for “me time.” This could mean anything from jogging, cycling, or weight-lifting to dancing, swimming, or taking a group class. If you hate going to the gym, get outside to be active. This can help you disconnect from the stresses of home and work to immerse yourself in nature. After exercising, decompress in a hot tub or sauna, if possible. It’s the perfect way to end an exercise regimen! Reader Poll: We asked 334 wikiHow readers, and 60% said that the most satisfying and effective way to practice self-care is through exercise and physical activity. [Take Poll]

Spend time with your friends and family. Making time for yourself doesn’t mean you always have to be alone! In order to have a healthy work-life balance, it’s important to prioritize your relationships with friends and family as well as your work. So, set aside time to spend with them, and say “Yes” when they ask to see you. They can also help keep you accountable! Try a “grown-up playdate.” The concept is simple: meet up with a friend and do something just for fun—from grabbing coffee together to hitting up an arcade or going bowling. Consider calling up an old friend you don’t get to talk to as much during your “me time.” Reminisce, chat, catch up, and enjoy one another’s company!

Take deep breaths and focus on being present. Conscious deep breaths can help you release stress and force yourself to be more mindful and present. As you take each breath, focus on different parts of your body; this is thought to help center you and reconnect your body and spirit. Don’t ignore any worries that come to the surface; contemplate where they’re coming from and how you can address each one. Even if you can’t solve every problem that arises as you take deep breaths, it can help to remind yourself that everything is okay and you don’t have to have all the answers. Try doing yoga or meditation as well. Either practice can help you clear your mind, relax, and be more present as you enjoy your alone time.

Do a creative or artistic activity. Not every workplace gives its workers a chance to be creative—either because of a work policy or even safety regulations. So, giving yourself a chance to be creative is an excellent use of your “me time,” especially if you try things you haven’t let yourself do since you were a child! You could try painting, photography, pottery throwing, writing poetry, or making arts and crafts (including sewing, knitting, or making jewelry). Do something you’d genuinely like to do!

Treat yourself to a solo “date.” Who says you need a partner to go on a date? Take a little solo time to do something fun and take care of yourself just like you would a friend or partner. A date with yourself could involve just about any activity, from watching your favorite TV show to ordering your favorite take-out food (or just cooking your all-time favorite meal). Treat yourself to an indulgent snack—like hot chocolate, ice cream, fresh fruit with whipped cream, or whatever else strikes your fancy! Don't be afraid to ask for time to yourself once in a while. Taking care of yourself physically and mentally is important, and it's much harder to do that if you're constantly giving your energy to other people.

Write in a journal. Record everything in your journal—from emotions to your dreams, ideas, and anything that’s currently causing you anxiety or stress. Writing about your thoughts and experiences in a journal can help you process the events of the day, get to know your own mind a little better, and it can help you feel more relaxed. Try writing in your journal for a few minutes daily, especially during times when you’re often stressed out from work (or other factors).

Work on one of your current goals. Do you have any longer-term goals—a resolution for the year, a bucket list, or a 5-year plan, for example? If so, use your “me time” to progress on one of those goals in some way. There’s no requirement for how much you have to do; simply do a least 1 thing to bring you closer to your ultimate goal. That might include doing things like research, making phone calls, or practicing a certain skill, all of which could lead to your goal.

Tackle tasks you’ve been putting off. Do something you keep promising yourself (or someone else) you’re going to do. This could be anything from a mindless chore like washing the windows or reorganizing your kitchen to something crafty, like hanging new pictures and wall decor or painting an old rocking chair. It’s even better if it’s something you’ll enjoy doing! Finishing tasks can help you feel more accomplished and productive in the long run. Don’t worry if you have multiple tasks that need to be done. Just take it one step (and task) at a time. No need to cram them all into a single session of “me time.”

Set up a home spa day for yourself. If you can, take a long, hot bath—or at least run a hot shower with bubbles or aromatherapy to make the experience more luxurious. Put on some music while you bathe, and treat yourself to some cozy candles and dim lighting to really get a relaxing atmosphere. Even if you only spend 20 minutes in the tub, it’s enough to help you decompress!

Take a nap. There’s nothing wrong with getting a little extra shut-eye, especially if you’ve been working harder than usual lately and need a break. If you’re going to take a restful nap, don’t pass out on the couch or in an armchair; instead, get into bed and nestle in until you’re truly cozy. Just remember not to sleep the whole day away; set an alarm if you think you’ll need it!

Why is “me time” important?

“Me time” can reduce stress and keep you from overextending yourself. When you don’t have time to do things that make you happy, work and other obligations may get harder to deal with (to the point of being overwhelming). Without time for yourself, you may experience stress, tension, physical aches, and even migraines because your body is under such strain. Benefits of “me time” include: Stress relief. Taking time for yourself to do things like reading, meditating, and journaling can alleviate stress and help you clear your mind, allowing you to focus better in the future. Time for reflection. Taking time for yourself also helps you develop a greater awareness of yourself, your emotions, and your values, which in turn helps build self-confidence. Gratitude. Journaling and mindful thinking both invite reflection, which can remind you of all the good things in life, making it easier to cultivate gratitude. Strengthening your relationships. “Me time” gives you the space to identify how you feel about relationships (and whether there are any problems you want to fix). It also helps you separate yourself from your partner a bit and pursue your own interests. Creative thinking. Sometimes, taking time to be alone without any interruptions or outside noise (like well-meaning interruptions from friends and family) can help you use your imagination and think creatively. Improving your mental health. “Me time” is all about taking care of yourself and giving yourself the space to work out any problems that arise, which is why people who take “me time” tend to be super resilient!

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