How to Stay Safe While Playing Pokémon GO
How to Stay Safe While Playing Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO brings the world of Pokémon incredibly close to the real world by requiring that players interact with their physical and social environments in order to progress or to play at all. While this innovation adds several exciting dimensions to gameplay, it also presents a new range of challenges to safety that players should consider before putting themselves in potentially dangerous situations. Additionally, Android users can take measure to prevent themselves from being victims of malware when installing the app from third-party sites.

Avoiding Malware

Wait until the game is available on the Google Play store. The surest way to protect yourself from malware is to download the game from a fully reliable source; while waiting for Google Play to make the game available in your region may not be as exciting as finding a third-party source, it is certainly the most secure way to get the game.

Only download APK files from trustworthy sites. If you are an Android user and intend to download the game by sideloading instead of through the Play Store, you may be at risk of having your phone be infected by malware. Before downloading the app from a third-party site, you should: Check external reviews of the site to see if other people have experienced issues. Avoid sites that appear to market to consumers trying to circumvent legality.

Run the APK file on a virus detector. After downloading the APK file, you can still "vet" it before potentially malicious software has the opportunity to infect your Android. Download a reliable virus detector for Android and follow the instructions for scanning a new application. If the detector finds any dangerous content on the APK, delete the file. Reliable virus detectors include: VirusTotal AndroTotal NVISO ApkScan OPSWAT

Check what permissions the app asks for. Because Pokémon GO is a game that uses your location and other personal data to link you to other players and to the world of the game, it will ask you for certain information by default. However, malware will ask for other unnecessary information that can be used to invade your phone. Go to "App Info" from the home screen and delete an app that asks for any of the following permissions: Directly call phone numbers Edit or read your text messages Record audio Modify your contacts, read or write your call log, or read your contacts Read your web bookmarks or history Change your network connectivity or connect/disconnect from WiFi Retrieve running apps at startup

Staying Safe While Playing

Avoid publicly restricted areas. There will be some areas where Pokémon appear that aren't intended for public access. Playing Pokémon GO in these places can lead to severe legal consequences. For this reason, avoid actively searching for Pokémon, PokéStops, and gyms at: Police stations Airports Schools grounds that are not your own Private residences and yards Courthouses Office spaces

Only play in well-lit, populated areas. Predatory Pokémon GO players may take advantage of players in vulnerable environments. You will be better-equipped to avoid being a victim of scams and other malicious activity by avoiding playing Pokémon GO in highly isolated or poorly lit areas.

Travel with friends. This will significantly reduce your vulnerability to predatory Pokémon GO players. Be sure to travel in groups when heading to unfamiliar areas.

Bring a battery pack. Pokémon GO drains phone battery very quickly. When you're out in the world, running out of battery can cause players to get lost or stranded far from home. Bringing a battery pack can significantly reduce this risk by extending your phone's ability to run the game for longer. Other steps to extend your battery life include: Turning off the Augmented Reality setting. This can be done in the settings of the Pokémon GO app. Use your phone's low battery/power saver setting, if it has one.

Avoid physically treacherous areas. Many Pokémon will be placed in natural areas such as parks, hiking trails, and by water. While this presents a great opportunity to explore the natural world, practice extreme caution when the app leads you to: Mountainous areas Areas with poison oak and ivy Open bodies of water

Stay alert. Maintain awareness of your physical surroundings at all times. This is especially important while crossing the street or in busy thoroughfares where inattentiveness could lead to bodily injury or put your personal belongings at risk.

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