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Expressing Your Feelings
Start with ik hou van jou as the most basic way to say "I love you." It sounds like "Ik how vin yo.".The verb houden van can be generally translated as meaning "to love," so this is the most common way to say "I love you" to someone. As in English, the verb is versatile and can be used for any person, place, or thing. The phrase is not specific to romantic love. You can also use it to express love for a family member or a close friend. If you want to ask the other person if they also love you, say Hou je van mij? (how yeh vahn meye), which means "Do you love me?"Variation: You can also say ik bemin je (ick behmihn yeh), which more literally means "I hold you dear," but is similar to saying "I love you." This phrase is more appropriate for a romantic partner than for a friend or family member.
Use the verb liefhebben to express deeper attachment. The phrase ik heb je lief (ick hehb yeh leef) is an alternate way to say "I love you." This phrase is less versatile than the more common ik hou van jou, and refers exclusively to a romantic attachment. Typically this phrase would be used after the initial crush phase in a romantic relationship, once the two of you have settled into a more stable relationship. Dutch speakers have varied opinions on whether this phrase actually implies a stronger feeling than the more common ik hou van jou.
Say ik ben verliefd op jou to say "I am in love with you." Like English speakers, Dutch speakers may wish to differentiate between loving someone and being in love with someone. Use this phrase to let someone know that your love for them is different than the love you may feel for a family member or close friend. If the two of you are talking to someone else and what them to know that you are deeply in love with each other, you would use the phrase we zijn zo verliefd (weh zayn zaw vehrleefd) which means "we are so in love."
Try ik hou zielsveel van je (ick how zeelsvayl vahn yeh) for deeper love. The word zielsveel means "with heart and soul." If you love the person very much, you can use this phrase to indicate that your love for them is deeper and more heartfelt than a basic "I love you." If you want to go even deeper in expressing your love, you might say woorden kunnen mijn liefde voor jou niet omschrijven, which means "words can't describe my love for you." While it might strike you as over-the-top, it could be really powerful in the right situation.
Using Related Words and Phrases
Tell a friend you're interested in a romantic relationship. Perhaps you feel close to someone, but you're not quite to the "I love you" stage yet. Try ik zie in jou meer dan alleen een vriend (ick zee ihn yow mayrr dahn ahl-ayn ayn freend), a phrase which means "I think of you as more than just a friend." Especially if you already have a relatively close friendship with the person, this could let them know that you are interested in taking the relationship to another level. If the person follows up by asking you what you have in mind, you might say Ik word verliefd op jou (ick vawrrd fehrr-leefd awp yow), which means "I'm falling in love with you."Pronunciation tip: The o in Dutch is a sound not found in English. Make a sound like the aw in the English word "paw," but with rounded lips.
Say ik vind je leuk if you're not ready to say "I love you" yet. The phrase ik vind je leuk (ick vihnd yeh lurk) literally means "I find you nice." However, if you use it in a more intimate or romantic context, you're basically telling the person that you like them a lot. If the other person says ik hou van jou, this might not be the best way to reply. Explain your feelings more clearly if you don't want the person to think you're rejecting them.
Compliment someone you like in Dutch. Regardless of whether you're ready to drop the L-word or not, a compliment in Dutch can let your love interest know that you think of them romantically. The phrase varies depending on whether the person is male or female. For someone who presents as male, you could say je bent zo knap (yeh behnt zaw knahp), which means "you're so handsome." For someone who presents as female, you could say je bent zo mooi (yeh behnt zaw moh-ih), which means "you're so beautiful."
Describe the feeling the person gives you. In English, you might say you have butterflies in your stomach. A similar phrase in Dutch is ik heb vlinders in mijn bulk (ick hehb vlihndehrs ihn mayn birlk). You might use this phrase as a reaction after the other person expresses feelings of affection towards you.
Use the word vriend or vriendin to identify your significant other. There's no special word in Dutch that lets others know whether someone is your romantic partner, or simply a friend. The same word is used for both. The type of relationship is inferred by the context. For example, you might say ik hou van mijn vriend (if your significant other presents as male) or ik hou van mijn vriendin (if your significant other presents as female). This means "I love my friend," but is typically interpreted as meaning that you're talking about a romantic partner. To differentiate, if the person is truly just a friend, you would more typically say hij is een vriend van mij, for "he is a friend of mine," or zij is een vriend van mij, for "she is a friend of mine."
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