How to Play Flappy Bird
How to Play Flappy Bird
The iPhone and Android game, Flappy Bird, creates a modern combination of Mario Bros. and Angry Birds into one. All one has to do is fly a bird between pipes of different heights. Sounds easy? That's the challenge of the game.

Download and install the game. While the creator pulled the game from the app stores in February 2014, he has announced the possibility of re-releasing it in future. There are also a few alternative ways to get the game, including downloading copy-cat games. For more information on how to get the game on Android, check out How to Get Flappy Bird on Android.

Start the game. Tap the arrow to start. Tap the screen again to allow your bird to fly and to start the game.

Stay in the middle of screen until the first set of pipes appears. Measure your tap heights to go between the two pipes. The faster you tap, the higher you go. Each tap represents a wing flap and higher flight. Once you stop, you drop towards the ground.

Stay in the middle of the pipes. This is the main objective of the game. If you hit a pipe or the ground, the game ends.

Find your rhythm for higher and lower pipes. This is important when you need to go higher or drop, or else you will hit a pipe.

Try not to go high. You can still bump into a pipe.

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