How to Perform Basketball Tricks
How to Perform Basketball Tricks
While fundamentals of basketball are essential, performing an array of different legal (not street-ball) basketball tricks can make winning a game or blowing by a defender much easier. Plus the flashiness of the moves are what draw many people to basketball games.


Dribble the basketball in your right hand. Then, when the ball reaches your hand, bounce it toward your left hand.

Let the ball bounce into your left hand and start dribbling with your left hand. Always try to dribble below the knee—if it's bouncing all the way up to your shoulder, you won't have as much control.

Between the Legs

Familiarize yourself with the motion.

Dribble the ball using your right hand.

When the ball is about to reach your hand, position your hand on the farther side of the ball. You should touch the basketball not on the top but more on the side away from you (in this example, on the right side). The ball should be more in your palm than usual and closer to your arm.

The moment the ball reaches your hand, pivot on your left leg and swing your right leg 180 degrees clockwise. Your upper body should follow including your arms. The ball should be moving in your hand and not coming out.

When your right leg hits the ground, start to dribble the ball.

Go for a fluid motion. If done correctly, it should be one fluid motion rather than traveling.

Continue to practice the move and increase the degrees you spin up to 360 degrees.

Behind the Back (no bounce)

Dribble the ball in your right hand.

When the ball is about to reach your hand, position your hand on the farther side of the ball. You should touch the basketball not on the top but more on the side away from you (in this example, on the right side). The ball should be more in your palm than usual and closer to your arm.

The moment the ball reaches your hand, swing your arm clockwise around your body with the ball still in your hand. Your hand might need to grasp the ball slightly under it, but not enough to constitute carrying (a violation in basketball).

When the ball is close to your left hip, make sure it naturally flows forward. The ball should flow forward off your fingertips and bounce in front of you.

Continue to dribble.

Knee Dribble

Dribble with your left or right hand. Do whichever is comfortable.

Then dribble the ball under your bent knee and catch it with the opposite hand.

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