How to Handle Being Locked Out of Your Hotel Room
How to Handle Being Locked Out of Your Hotel Room
Maybe you forgot the key, misplaced it, or lost it somewhere during your travels; but whatever the reason, you've found yourself locked out of your hotel room. It's a sticky situation, and under some unfortunate circumstances, it can even be embarrassing. This article offers a few ways to get back in with your dignity intact.

If You Do Get Locked Out

Assess the situation. Are you dressed appropriately to be seen in public? Wearing anything from everyday clothes to simply pants and a shirt is acceptable. If all you have is a towel or underwear, it may be embarrassing, but still legal. Almost everywhere, being completely nude is illegal.

If you're dressed appropriately to be seen in public, simply go to front desk and ask for a replacement key to your room. If one isn't available, ask to see if maintenance personnel can use a master key.

If You Aren't Dressed

Stop and think. Are you alone on your trip? Is there anyone else staying with you? If there is, go to their room and borrow suitable clothing from them to ask for a key, or have them ask the front desk for you. If a friend or family member is sharing the same room with you, but is not present, call them to come to the hotel and use their key.

If no one is available to help, look for a phone or use your cell phone. Some hotels have guest phones or payphones in the hallways you can use to call the front desk. Explain the situation, and ask them to send someone up with a key.

If you cannot find a phone, look for anything you can use to wear. A coat hanging on a door, a bath towel, etc. Go to the front desk wearing this, remembering to return the items once you can get back in your room.

Look for something to cover yourself up with if nothing else is available. Be prepared to draw attention when holding up a potted plant or newspaper to yourself, but if it is all you can find, it is necessary.

If you can't find anything to cover yourself, and there are no other options, use the stairs to reach the front desk and poke your head around the door. Call for someone to help, and explain your situation. Do not use the elevators to get downstairs; you'll want to create as little disturbance as possible.

If there is no door, poke your head around the wall, or whatever is there. Call for security if the front desk isn't nearby, or if someone bothers you.

As a last resort, take a deep breath, put your hands where you need them to be, and run to the receptionist. If it helps you, pray to God that there is no one else around to see you, and quickly ask them for a key.

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