How to Don Tefillin
How to Don Tefillin
Tefillin are worn by observant Jewish men (and less commonly women) ages 13 and older. The proper use of tefillin is a skill that must be learned. Tefillin are holy according to Jewish law, and care must be taken that they are not abused or neglected.

Familiarize yourself with your Tefillin. There are two boxes; one goes on the left (or right for the left handed) arm called the 'shel yad', and the other goes on the head called the 'shel rosh'.

Remove the shel yad from the tefillin bag. Unwind the strap and remove it from its case, taking care that it does not touch the floor. Put the case in a safe place.

Prepare your arm. Roll up your sleeve of your weak arm to allow enough room for the shel yad to be placed directly on your skin.

Placing the shel yad. Place the shel yad on the upper portion of your weak arm at heart level with the box on the side of your inner elbow, but do not tighten the strap yet.

Recite the following blessing:ברוך אתה ה׳ אלוקינו מלך העולם אשר קדשנו במצותיו וצונו להניח תפיליןBarukh Atah A-do-nai E-lo-hei-nu Melech Ha-olam Asher Kidishanu B'mitzvotav Vitzi'vanu L'haniakh Hatefillin

Tightening the shel yad. Tighten the strap around your upper arm, then wind the straps seven times around the lower arm (between the elbow and wrist), with the black side of the straps facing outward. Customs vary as to which direction to wind them in, and if uncertain, one should ask their rabbi.

Now take the shel rosh out of the bag and take off the case. Rest the bag and case in a safe place, along with the shel yad case.

Place the shel yad over your head. Rest the box evenly in the middle of the forehead, behind your original hairline even if you have since balded. Be sure the knot is in the back of the head in the exact opposite location, but do not yet tighten on your head. Don't worry about the straps yet.

Recite the following blessing:ברוך אתה ה׳ אלוקינו מלך העולם אשר קדשנו במצותיו וצונו על מצות טפליןBarukh Atah A-do-nai E-lo-hei-nu Melech Ha-olam Asher Kidishanu B'mitzvotav Vitzi Vanu Al Mitzvat Tefillin (some omit this blessing and the coming line).

Now tighten the Tefillin. Then neatly straighten the straps and let them hang in front of you, black side facing outward.

Recite the following line:ברוך שם כבוד מלכותו לעולם ועדBarukh Shem K'vod Malkhuto L'olam Va-ed

Go back to the shel yad. Wind it around the palm of the hand and the fingers. There are varying customs regarding winding patterns, so consult a rabbi if you're not sure what to do.

Leave the Tefillin on throughout Shacharit. Then put it away, undo the hand part first then take off the shel rosh and put it away then take off the rest of the shel yad. No blessings are recited as the tefillin are put away.

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