How to Dispose of a Damaged American Flag
How to Dispose of a Damaged American Flag
When the U.S. flag becomes worn or faded, it is important to take it down and properly dispose of it. The U.S. flag code states that the when the flag “is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, [it] should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.”[1]
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This can be done privately or in a public ceremony. However, because flags are made from nylon, which releases hazardous gases when it is burned, you may want to investigate other ways of disposing of an old flag.[2]
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With a little forethought, you can properly and respectfully retire and dispose of your U.S. flags.

Lowering the Flag

Recognize if the flag is worn, faded or soiled. Because it is exposed to the elements on a daily basis, your flag will likely experience some wear over time. If you notice any fraying at the edges, that the colors are not as vibrant, or that it has become stained, it is time to retire your flag and fly a new one. Many flags can be washed or mended if worn. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines when caring for your flag. There are many online retailers who sell U.S. flags. You can also find them at most large retail stores.

Investigate disposal options. Once you have determined that your need to retire your flag, you should begin researching how best to dispose of it. You may want to burn your flag, which is a popular way of retiring and disposing of old flags. However, most flags contain nylon, which releases hazardous gases when burned. If you want to avoid the hazardous gases, you might want to consider cutting up, bury, or recycling your old flag. Find a method that is safe and works for your needs. If you decide to burn your flag, be sure to follow all state and federal burn regulations. Contact your local fire department and discuss how to properly and safely burn your flag.

Lower the flag slowly. When you take your flag down, be sure to lower it slowly. This is considered a sign of respect and will ensure that the flag does not fall to the ground. Quickly pulling the flag down from a pole is considered improper. If your flag is not hanging from a flagpole, simply take it down. There is no need to perform this action slowly in every instance.

Keep the flag from touching the ground. As you take the flag down, it is important that you do not let it touch the ground. Many consider this a sign of disrespect for the flag and what it stands for. If you can, have someone there to help you lower and disconnect the flag so that you can guarantee that it does not touch the ground.

Fold the flag properly. Once the flag is lowered, you will want to properly fold it into the recommended triangle fold. It is likely that you will want help folding the flag to ensure that it does not touch the ground. If you are folding the flag as part of a ceremony, you may want to have someone else explain the meaning and symbolism of the folding.

Performing a Basic Flag Disposal Ceremony

Light a large and intense fire. At the beginning of the ceremony, you will want to light a fire big enough to completely destroy all of the flags you will be burning. You can use a natural gas burner or light a traditional fire using wood. You may also want to consider setting up some kind of stand to hold the fire and catch the ashes. Before you begin your flag disposal ceremony, you will want to make sure that you have properly folded your flag. You can ensure that it is properly folded by incorporating a flag folding ceremony into your larger disposal ceremony. Make sure that you are following the local fire codes and ordinances.

Place the flag on the fire. Lay the individually folded flags in the fire. Do not let them touch the ground. Avoid stacking the flags on top of each other. If the fire is small, only burn as many flags as you can lay in it without stacking them. Because many modern flags are treated with chemicals that can burn explosively and give off toxic fumes, burning your flag may cause an accident. Be sure to contact your local fire department to ensure that you are meeting all safety codes. You may want to consider a placing a grate in the flames that will hold the flags. This will keep them from sliding off the fire and onto the ground.

Come to attention or salute. Depending on style of ceremony you are holding, you may want to ask those in attendance to come to attention or salute as you burn the flags. If you are burning multiple flags, this may be a long process and standing for a long period of time might be difficult for older people. Consider letting everyone sit again after a few moments or when the first flag has burned. If you are leading the ceremony, you might say something like “will those in attendance please rise and honor the flag.”

State the Pledge of Allegiance. As the flag burns, you may also state the Pledge of Allegiance. This is a highly patriotic and symbolic gesture. However, because it references “God,” this might make those who adhere to different religious views feel uncomfortable. Try creating a ceremony that is inclusive and accommodating of the beliefs of the diverse groups that call the United States home.

Have a period of silent reflection. A period of silent reflection might be the best option if you are disposing of a flag and want to be respectful of everyone involved. A moment of silence allows the participants the opportunity to reflect on and honor the flag in their own way. This is a more inclusive way of conducting the ceremony. Before you begin the moment of silence, say something like “please join me in a moment of silent reflection.”

Let the flag burn completely. You will want to allow the flag to burn completely in the flames. There should be not remnants of fabric left, only ashes. If you are using a wood fire, you may need to add more wood to keep the flame hot. If it is a gas flame and the flags are not burning properly, you may want to turn up the gas flow. Because of the chemicals they are treated with, different flags will burn at different speeds. Some are treated with flame resistant materials to prevent people from burning the flags in protest. These types of flags may require some lighter fluid to thoroughly burn.

Extinguish the fire and bury the ashes. Once you have fully destroyed all of the flags, you will want to extinguish the fire and collect the ashes. To kill the fire, turn off the fuel supply or let the fire burn out on its own. Once you have collected the ashes, place them in a container and bury them in an appropriate place. The ashes can also be scattered over the grounds of important places, such as military parade grounds or battlefields.

Disposing of the Flag Privately

Burn the flag discreetly. Once you have lowered your flag and properly folded it, you will want to find a private place to dispose of the flag. The preferred method of disposal is to burn your flag in a large fire. Make sure that it is big enough to properly destroy the flag, but not so large that it is a safety hazard. Once the flag is destroyed, bury the ashes. Be sure to check with local burn bans before you dispose of your flag. Because many modern flags are treated with chemicals that can burn explosively and give off toxic fumes, burning your flag may cause an accident.

Cut up the flag. If you are unable or do not wish to burn your flag, you can also cut it into pieces. Once a flag has been cut up, it is no longer an official U.S. flag and can be disposed of in various methods. When cutting up the flag, you will want to ensure that you do not cut into the blue star field. This section should remain whole, but you can cut the rest of the flag as you see fit. Once the flag is properly cut up, you can dispose of it however you want. Use scissors or a knife to cut the flag. Avoid tearing the flag. This can be considered disrespectful. The blue star field represents the unity of the U.S. states, and cutting into that section is considered a symbolic attempt to disrupt that unity. Some may consider this method less ceremonial or disrespectful. Use your discretion, or talk to someone with experience disposing of flags, before you cut up a flag.

Bury the flag. Once a flag is worn, you can fold it up, place it in a box and bury it. As long as you are respectful about how you bury the flag, this is a good alternative to burning. Be sure to place the flag in a box. Letting the soil touch the flag is considered disrespectful, even if you disposing of a flag. This method could also be considered disrespectful or improper. Considering that flags are coated in various chemicals to preserve them, this might be a less environmentally friendly option. Unlike flags made from natural fibers like cotton that decompose quickly, modern flags are typically made from synthetic materials that breakdown over a much longer period of time.

Give the flag to a qualified organization. Groups like the American Legion, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the Girls Scouts, and the Boy Scouts will take your old flags and properly dispose of them. The old flags are typically burned during disposal ceremonies, which are held at different times throughout the year. If you are unsure about the best method of disposing of your U.S. flag, this may be a good option. The American Legion holds a flag disposal ceremony on Flag Day each year.

Recycle old flags. If you are concerned about limiting your flag’s environmental impact, you might want to consider sending it to a company that specializes in recycling old flags. They will ensure that the flag is disposed of in an environmentally conscious way. The company may also use materials from the old flag to make a new one. Depending on the company, you may be asked to give a donation for the service. However, there are some who recycle the flags for free.

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