How to Control Chakra
How to Control Chakra
Our body is divided into seven chakras, or energy centers, with each chakra reflecting a region of the physical body as well as personality traits. Try the following strategies to control your chakras and achieve balance among them, promoting optimal emotional, mental, and spiritual health.

Where are your main chakras?

There are 7 chakras that run down the center of your body. Before you start trying to control your chakras, it helps to have a basic understanding of where they are and what each one controls. Typically, when you're studying chakras, they're described from the bottom to the top. They include: Root chakra: Located at your tailbone—associated with the earth element and the color red. When you're controlling this chakra, you'll feel safe, grounded, and cared for. Sacral chakra: Located just below your navel—associated with water and the color orange. When you're controlling it, you'll feel creative, playful, and in touch with your sense of desire. Solar plexus chakra: Found in the center of your torso—associated with fire and the color yellow. When it's balanced, you'll feel powerful and motivated. Heart chakra: Found in the center of your chest—linked with air and the color green. When you have control of this chakra, you'll be in touch with feelings like love, empathy, and connection to others. Throat chakra: Found at the base of your throat—associated with space and the color blue. If this chakra is balanced, you'll feel like you're able to easily communicate your thoughts and feelings. Third eye chakra: The spot between your eyebrows—associated with wisdom and the color indigo. When you're controlling this chakra, you'll feel like you're able to channel your intuition, knowledge, and imagination. Crown chakra: Located on the top of your head—our connection to a higher power. The crown chakra is associated with the color violet, and when you're controlling it, you'll feel the connection you have to the earth and everything that lives on it.

Where should I start when I'm learning to control my chakras?

Try meditation to get in touch with your higher self. Find a quiet place where you can sit comfortably, then breathe deeply and focus on each of your chakras one at a time. As you do that, pay attention to whether you feel physically or emotionally unbalanced in that area. Keep in mind that your energy may be blocked, but you can also have too much energy concentrated in that area. Visualization, mantras, yoga, sound healing, Reiki, and crystals can all help rebalance this energy if it's blocked or overactive. Guided meditations can be really helpful when you're first learning to control your chakras. Try searching for something like "chakra balancing guided meditation" on YouTube to get started.

Visualize each chakra as you're meditating. Close your eyes and picture a spinning wheel of light coming from your body. Imagine that the light is same color as the chakra. Start with your root chakra and work your way up one at a time, visualizing that the spinning light is able to move freely. For instance, you'd imagine that your root chakra is a deep, strong red shade. As you picture it spinning, imagine releasing anything that might be blocking that energy. Then, move up to your sacral chakra, and so on, until you get to your crown.

How does yoga help you control your chakras?

Yoga could help shift the physical energy in your body. Yoga typically involves more than just putting your body in different poses—there's usually a spiritual element where you get in touch with different parts of your body. If you're a beginner, join a yoga class where you can learn some basic poses that will help you control your chakras, such as: Root chakra: Cross-legged seat, mountain pose, down dog Sacral chakra: Cat/cow pose, half-circle Solar plexus chakra: Chair pose, warrior II, forearm plank Heart chakra: Cobra pose, bridge, supported back bend Throat chakra: Fish pose, inclined plank Third eye chakra: Child's pose, seated twist, standing with your hand to your third eye Crown chakra: Savasana

Can crystals help you balance your chakras?

Crystals might resonate with your natural energy. Some people find that incorporating crystals into their chakra practice makes it easier to channel and balance that energy. Each chakra is associated with a different stone: Simply holding the crystal may help, but many people prefer to lie down, then place the crystal over the associated energy center. Root chakra: Bloodstone, tiger's eye, or black tourmaline Sacral chakra: Carnelian, moonstone, coral Solar plexus: Citrine, topaz, calcite Heart chakra: Rose quartz, jade, green tourmaline Throat chakra: Lapis lazuli, turquoise, aquamarine, or blue calcite Third eye chakra: Amethyst, black obsidian, purple fluorite Crown chakra: Amethyst, diamond, clear quartz, selenite

What mantra can help me balance my chakras?

Each chakra has its own mantra. Using a mantra while you meditate or practice yoga can help you get in touch with the type of energy that's channeled by each chakra. You can simply repeat the base of the mantra, or you can turn it into a statement. For instance, with the heart chakra, you might choose to simply say, "I love," or you might say something like, "I love myself; I love others; I love the world." The mantras are: Root chakra: "I exist" Sacral chakra: "I desire" Solar plexus chakra: "I control" Heart chakra: "I love" Throat chakra: "I express" Third eye chakra: "I am the witness" Crown chakra: "I am that I am"

Why do people use tuning forks to control their chakras?

Certain sounds may help balance that energy. When tones are played at a specific frequency, they may resonate with the energy controlled by your chakras. In fact, monks have chanted during their meditations for over 1000 years as a way to reach a more spiritual state. Similarly, when you play specific tones on a tuning fork, you may find it easier to balance your chakras. Some people also use specialized sound bowls. The frequencies of these tones are: Root chakra: 396 Hz Sacral chakra: 417 Hz Solar plexus chakra: 528 Hz Heart chakra: 639 Hz Throat chakra: 741 Hz Third eye chakra: 852 Hz Crown Chakra: 963 Hz

What is Reiki, and can it help balance my chakras?

Reiki is a practice that heals you by balancing your energy. During a Reiki session, the practitioner will hold their hands just above your body, and they'll channel spiritual energy to help balance your chakras. You may feel a tingling or warm sensation as they adjust your energy—it's typically very peaceful, and you may feel very relaxed afterward. In some cases, the Reiki practitioner may lightly touch you, but they won't apply any pressure—it's not the same as a massage.

How do you know if your chakras are unbalanced?

You might feel constricted in a certain area if your chakra is blocked. Think about whether there's anything you're really struggling with right now—are you having trouble expressing yourself in some aspect of your life? It could be due to a blocked chakra, meaning you're not able to send energy out through that channel. Controlling your chakras can help this. If your sacral plexus is blocked, for instance, you might feel like you can't get in touch with what you really desire in life, or you might feel like you're not able to be creative. If your throat chakra is blocked, you may not feel like you're able to express yourself.

You could feel too much energy if a chakra is overactive. While people usually talk about blocked chakras, you could also be losing too much energy in an area of your life, as well. If there's anything that's making you feel drained, it may help to put extra effort into controlling the associated chakra. If your heart chakra is overactive, you might put too much emphasis on your relationships with others instead of being self-reliant. If your throat chakra is overactive, you might speak too much and not listen enough.

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