How to Avoid a Guy Who Likes You that Thinks You Like Him
How to Avoid a Guy Who Likes You that Thinks You Like Him
If a guy is crushing hard on you but you aren’t particularly interested in him, you may be looking for tips and tricks that’ll keep him away. There are plenty of direct and indirect options here, and we’ll break down everything you can do to help this guy get the message. In this article, we’ll show you what you can do to keep a persistent fella away.

Tell him how you really feel.

It might be uncomfortable, but it’s best if you tell him the truth. Tell him you don't like him. This step may be the only one you need. Dropping hints won't always work for some guys, and this will confirm that you do not have any feelings for him. That way, he won't have to keep guessing, and you can clear the problem before it gets worse. It is best to be honest. Be a grown-up and tell them in the kindest way that they are misinterpreting things and you are only friends. You can say there is no chemistry between you.

Pretend that he doesn't exist.

Act like you don’t even notice him and he’ll back off eventually. If he stares at you, act like you can't see him. In other words, completely ignore him. If he tries to talk to you, act as if you didn't hear him while turning to the nearest person and beginning to talk to them. That way, he won't dare interrupt your conversation, unless if he is determined enough to. If he does interrupt your conversation, shoot him a warning look while politely but firmly saying, "Please don't interrupt this conversation." It helps if your close friends know about this situation. That way, they can help you avoid him and start talking to you if he tries to approach you.

Keep your personal info to yourself.

Don’t give him your phone number and ask your friends to do the same. Forbid your friends to give him your personal info, including your telephone number, Instagram handle, email address, etc. This way, he'll be unable to take any part in your social life outside of school, and you won't have to constantly ignore his calls or persistent messaging.

React strongly when he touches you.

If he brushes against you, shudder a little and take a step away. One way guys try to get a girl's attention is to hover around her or try to have physical contact with her (ex: brushing past). If he tries to stand next to you, keep moving away from him. However, if you want to be safer, go to the restroom where he can't possibly follow you. If you duck into the restroom to avoid him and he follows you, alert the authorities. That’s seriously dangerous behavior on his part.

Stay away from him physically.

The more space you can maintain, the quicker he’ll let it go. If you have a class with him, sit on the opposite side of the room. If you cannot possibly avoid him, tell him you’re busy or you want to be left alone. You could also tell whoever is in charge about your problem and ask them to steer him away from you in partner projects. You could have them inform him that you aren't comfortable. This is embarrassing, but almost always works for most teachers are understanding.

Poke fun at him.

If you don’t make him feel good, he’s going to leave you alone. It’s never a good idea to be intentionally cruel, but if he really refuses to leave you alone, he earned this one. If he overhears you trash talking, he will back off a bit. There should be no confusion on his end that you aren’t actually into him. You could say something along the lines of, "Remember when John fell and couldn't get up? I think he needs life alert" or, "Remember when Danny got the math question wrong? He started crying like a baby! Wimp!"

Confront him.

If he’s crossing the line, look him in the eye and yell “stop.” If he keeps on flirting with you like brushing your arm or touching your hair, simply turn around and firmly tell him he has to stop. He needs to know when enough is enough, and he will back off if he respects you. He will also start to think that you are getting annoyed with him.

Don’t feel bad for him.

Smile when he’s upset to really send the message. This has a powerful impact. However, as much as you want to get rid of him, don't be too mean or cruel. Otherwise, you might harm your reputation, and he might want to get back at you in some horrible way.

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