How to April Fools' Prank Your Boyfriend Through Text
How to April Fools' Prank Your Boyfriend Through Text
The time has come for you to pull the ultimate prank on your boyfriend. It may be April Fools’ Day, but why would he suspect a harmless text? The joke’s on him because you’re going to prank him so hard he’ll be wondering how you did it! We’ve compiled a list of pranks you can pull on your boyfriend for April Fools’ Day, so keep reading to choose the ultimate prank.

Keep him guessing with a typing dot GIF.

He'll wonder for hours what on earth you're texting to him. While you chuckle behind your phone, he’ll be waiting for the typing dots to become a message—with how long you’re “typing,” it’s sure to be one lengthy message! “I have something I have to tell you.” “We need to talk.” “I haven’t been fully honest with you.”

Say you brought a new pet home.

If you live together, text him that you couldn’t say “no” to the cuteness. Your boyfriend is sure to fall for this if you're an animal lover! Maybe this can be a trial run if you really do want to get a new furry friend. “I may or may not have bought a puppy.” “How do we feel about turtles?” “Get ready for some kitty cuddles when you get home!”

Tell him you got a haircut.

Send him a snapshot of a wild look or alter a selfie. This is a great prank to pull to see how he would react if you really did make a drastic change. Will he be honest, or will he pretend to like it to support you? Grab a screenshot from Google or use a hair color filter and send him a quick selfie with your “new” look. “I dyed my hair???? Promise you’ll be honest?” “Got a new hairdo this morning and I love it!” “What would you think of a mohawk?”

Change up his schedule.

Pretend an important event has been moved to today. All you have to do is take a quick peek at your boyfriend’s calendar, see what he’s got planned, and then send him a text saying good luck for something that isn’t happening for weeks. After he panics and checks his schedule, send “April Fools!” “I thought I told you it was changed to tonight?” “Good luck with your speech tonight ????” “Heard they moved your test to tonight. That sucks, but you’ll do great!”

Tell him something bad happened.

Allude to a scenario where you’ve made a big mistake. This can be as small as not giving him a kiss goodnight, or as funny as not naming your fish Bubbles. Start with one of these phrases and then spill what silly thing is at stake: “I can’t believe I just did that ????” “This is really REALLY bad.” “I made a big mistake…Please don’t be mad????”

Reference a non-existent social media post.

Ask your boyfriend why he would post something so scandalous. Check to see what he’s posted on social media in the past 24 hours. Does he keep his Instagram stories up to date? Is his Snapchat an hour-by-hour play of his life? Use the context of what he’s posted, and send him a one of these texts: “I can’t believe you just posted that.” “I think you might’ve made a private story public ????” “Ummm did you not check the mirror in the pic you posted??”

Text him song lyrics.

Pick a song and send him the first line. No matter how he responds, keep going, line after line after line. He’ll be so confused as he tries to piece together what you’re doing! Songs like Elton John’s “Your Song,” One Direction’s “History,” and Ariana Grande’s “Into You” are great choices for this prank.

Send a fake news link.

Just Google “fake news generator” to create your prank article. Then, plug a silly made-up headline into the generator. You can make the article feature your hometown or be worldwide news. Send him the link along with one of these messages to make him think something crazy is going down: “I can’t believe this happened on my street…” “And people said pigs can’t fly????” “An actual UNICORN has been spotted!!”

Copy and paste upside-down text.

Make him think something’s wrong with his phone. Start a normal text conversation with your boyfriend. Once you’ve been texting for a few minutes, plug your next text into a text flipping app, copy and paste, and then send the upside-down message to him. Keep the prank going while he goes crazy trying to figure out what’s happening. You can find text flipping apps by searching “flip text” in your device’s app store.

Shower him with cat facts.

Your boyfriend will think he accidentally signed up for a fact messenger. You can plug his number into a real Cat Facts app if you want. If you don’t want to subscribe him to an app, try texting him random cat facts from an unknown number: “Cats use their tails for balance and have nearly 30 bones in them! ” “Command not recognized. You have a subscription to Cat Facts and will receive fun hourly updates!” “Did you know that cats can jump up to six times their length?”

Send him “nudes.”

Tell your boyfriend you’ve taken some special pictures just for him. He’ll automatically think you’re about to send some naked pictures his way, but he’s about to be bamboozled! Instead of nudes, send him pictures of nude lipsticks. This is sure to make you both chuckle. Build the anticipation by texting, “Hold on! I gotta make sure they’re perfect ????” and then wait a good hour before sending him the “nude.”

Pretend to be your mother.

Use a different number to make him think he’s texting your mom. This is a fun and clever prank, especially if you’re curious about his future intentions. Ask him uncomfortable questions, or give him a motherly lecture. Have fun, and remember to tell him it's all a prank in the end! “Hello Robert. This is Alyson’s mom. I’m very disappointed in you.” “Is this Billy? I haven’t been able to get a hold of Bridget. Have you spoken to her?” “Have you two talked about marriage? I want some grandkids!”

Tell him your parents are coming.

Shoot him an early morning text saying, “My parents will be here in an hour.” He’ll jump out of bed frantic and utterly confused, but how were you supposed to know your parents would surprise you? This is a great little prank to see how he’ll react to a sudden parent visit—just make sure to say, “April Fools!” after he’s gotten dressed. “Sooo don’t hate me, but my mom’s on her way over. She wants to talk to you ????” “Just got a text from my dad. He wants to take us out for breakfast in an hour!” “I may have forgotten to tell you that my parents are stopping by before work ????”

Say you have the biggest prank planned ever.

Keep him on high alert with this easy and clever prank. Simply text him throughout March saying you’ve going to prank him so hard on April 1st that he won’t know what to do. Drop some not-so-subtle hints to keep him guessing, and when the day comes, do absolutely nothing! He’ll be jumping at every door squeak and text notification wondering when the epic prank will come. “They’re going to write a news article on me because of how epic this prank will be!” “How do you feel about spiders? ????” “If I were you, I would avoid showers today hehe”

Get his hopes up with a fake lottery ticket.

Snap a pic of a winning ticket and send it his way. He may think it’s a prank at first, which it is, but the more you insist, the more he’ll fall for it! After he’s had a few moments of glee, text back, “APRIL FOOLS! ????” Prepare for this epic prank by buying a fake winning ticket. All you have to do is search “fake winning lottery ticket” online.

Send a “we need to talk” text.

Your boyfriend’s heart will drop when he reads these words. He’ll immediately wonder what he did and why you want to talk. Tell him you want to chat about it later when you see him, and then fill him in on the silly reason you wanted to talk. Maybe McDonald’s is discontinuing your favorite cheeseburger, or you don’t know what color to paint your nails. “Babe, we need to talk.” “Can we talk tonight? I have something I need to ask you.” “We need to talk about the elephant in the room.”

Text him in only GIFs.

Start a conversation and only respond with goofy video clips. This is a cute and funny prank that’ll keep him guessing. Watch as he quickly gets frustrated, and then send him an innocent animal GIF along with “April Fools! ????” Add some classic memes to your constant GIF responses to mix things up.

Pretend your phone is glitching.

Send your boyfriend the same text over and over again. No matter what he sends, keep replying with the same message. He’ll be convinced that your phone is freaking out, and you can have a good chuckle as you watch his reactions. Just make sure you fill him in on your awesome prank after you’ve had your fun. If he tries texting you through another platform, keep the gag going!

“Lose” his contact.

Responding to one of his texts with “Who’s this?” will have him baffled. Wait for your boyfriend to text you first. Then, ask “Who are you?” and keep the tease going by pretending you don’t know who he is no matter what he texts next. Just make sure you eventually say, “April Fools!” “Who’s this?” “Do I know you?” “Uhh who is this??”

Pretend to be someone else.

Tell your boyfriend he’s got the wrong number. This is sure to confuse him, especially since he just texted you! Have a little fun and pretend a stranger received his text. You can even ask who he’s looking for to see what he’ll say about you. “Umm I think you have the wrong number.” “Who are you looking for?” “This is Bob. You’ve got the wrong number bro.”

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