How to Add Color to a Fluorescent Light
How to Add Color to a Fluorescent Light
The cold, harsh light of fluorescent lamps fails to bring warmth to a room, nor is it decorative. By using inexpensive materials, you can add color and warmth to these boring lights to make your drab room or office welcoming, fun, fresh, and funky!

Gather the Things You'll Need.

Put the book covering (roll of colored plastic sheeting) on a plain surface. Roll about 2 feet (0.6 m) out flat and make sure there are no wrinkles in the covering.

Wrap the fluorescent bulb in the covering. Roll it tightly around the fluorescent bulb - there should not be any space between the lamp and the covering.

Cut the covering off the roll, and also any excess along the length of the fluorescent tube. Use transparent tape to seal the covering seam.

Cut the edges of the covering with the scissors. Be careful that you do not cut the contacts (the pair of prongs at each end of the tube). The contacts have to stay accessible.

Reinstall the covered bulb in the lamp holder. Turn on the light and enjoy!


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