Breaking Love Spells: 4 Recipes for Any Magic Level
Breaking Love Spells: 4 Recipes for Any Magic Level
Casting love spells is common in most magical traditions, but what about breakup spells? Sometimes you want a relationship to end—maybe it’s your own relationship that has turned toxic, or maybe you're in a love triangle and want to split up the other two participants. There isn’t scientific evidence, but spellcasters have been ending love with magic for generations. Using black magic to break someone up is morally gray, so always be sure to do everything else in your power before trying a spell. We’ve compiled a list of five love-ending spells for experienced magicians and newbies alike, so keep reading to make this breakup happen.

Souring Spell

Write the names of the people you want to break up on paper and tear it apart. You’re adding the names to “tag” the people you want to affect, then symbolically tearing them from each other.

Cut a lemon in half, scoop out the pulp, and add the torn-up paper. Hollow the lemon out as much as you can—this will be the container for your spell-casting ingredients. Put the slips of paper into each half, then fill up the rest with red pepper flakes. You can also add salt if you want to make the breakup process easier. Salt is considered a protectant and is thought to help the couple feel less pain.

Mix vinegar, red pepper, sulfur, and the hair of a black cat and dog in a container. This will be the "break up" oil. Put 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of vinegar, 1 teaspoon (2.3 g) of red pepper flakes, 1 teaspoon of (10 g) sulfur powder, and a few strands of hair from a black cat and dog into a vial. Fill up the rest of the container with a neutral oil, like canola or grapeseed, and shake it well. There are a few ways you can use this oil by itself, too. If you know the couple and see them regularly, you can sprinkle a few drops somewhere they’re unlikely to notice, like in their shoes. Vinegar is a souring agent, red pepper is an irritant, and sulfur causes conflict. These items are common for casting souring spells since they wreak havoc in people’s lives. When you add the fur you’re trying to recreate the way cats and dogs fight each other.

Sprinkle the oil on each lemon half, and set your intentions for the breakup. For the spell to work, you need to be specific about what you want to happen. For example, if you wanted the breakup to end in a fight, you may want to set the intention of one half to be confrontational, and the other half to be very defensive. Tell each half of the lemon what you want it to do. You can also use this step to protect one of the people in the couple. You can tell one side to become angry, and the other to keep the person safe from harm.

Dispose of the halves as far away from each other as you can. Separating the two halves cements the spell and puts spiritual distance between the couple. If you can, put some miles between the two halves. Now, all you have to do is wait.

Jar Spell

Write the names of the couple on two pieces of paper and put them into a large jar. For anything involving specific people, you need a “tag” to tie them to the spell. You can make the spell stronger using two pictures of the people, but be sure no one else is in the photo.

Cover the bottom of the jar with black mustard seeds, calamus root, and whole hot peppers. This spell works by messing with how the couple communicates. Black mustard seeds are thought to cause miscommunication and hot peppers cause fiery arguments, so mixing these with the pictures will cause cracks to form in the relationship. You can also add poppy seeds to add confusion, or bay leaves to help them see clearly. The bay leaves are especially powerful when the relationship isn’t working for either person.

Fill the jar 3/4ths of the way with white vinegar and shake it up. The souring properties of vinegar will cause even more tension in the relationship and allow the other ingredients to thoroughly mix. By shaking the jar you’re imbuing it with magic energy and sending the spell into the world.

Shake the jar every day until the couple breaks up. Once they do, bury the jar at a crossroads to let the energy travel away.

Garlic Spell

Carve the rune of clarity into a white candle. This technique is for unbinding someone from a love spell that’s been cast on them. To help them break away from the spell, send clarity to them throughout the casting process. The clarity rune looks like the letter “S” drawn with straight lines.

Light the candle and meditate on your intentions. Sit in front of the candle with your eyes closed and imagine what you want to happen. If you’re casting the spell on another person, imagine them feeling free and happy outside of their relationship. If you’re casting it on yourself, imagine not being in love anymore. The next steps need to be done immediately to ensure the candle stays lit through the entire process.

Chant a banishing incantation 16 times. You can write your own or choose from one of many love-banishing spells. A common one is “Free of this spell, when the candle is burnt. Free of this spell, so I may be.”

Fill a mortar and pestle with 3 cloves of garlic, a handful of chamomile, and a splash of water. While you continue to imagine the love spell unraveling, crush the ingredients into a paste.

Add the paste and a picture of the person you’re trying to unbind into a jar and bury it. This method pulls the energy from the spell into the jar and away from the affected person. To make the spell stronger, do the ritual during a waning moon phase.

Vinegar Spell

Write the names of the couple on a piece of paper and tear it apart. This is the first symbol of separation between the two of them.

Put vinegar on each name. Turn the bottom piece upside down so the names face each other, then sprinkle white vinegar over both pieces.

Sprinkle black pepper on both papers and put each on half a lemon. This is another souring spell, so you need to use ingredients that irritate and cause bitterness. Cut a lemon in half, put black pepper on each side of the paper, then put the two halves of the lemon together.

Wrap the lemon in twine nine times and place it in the freezer. Freezing the names together will make the couple feel distant from each other (and cold, of course). That, combined with the vinegar and pepper sandwiched between them will cause trouble in their relationship. Once the spell has taken effect you can dispose of the lemon.

Cleansing Spell

After practicing black magic, always cast a cleansing spell on yourself. Black magic is a volatile process that can end up affecting the practitioner, as well as the intended targets. While you can take steps to protect yourself, it’s a good idea to clear the energy around you when you’re done.

Cleanse yourself with smoke. Burning incense or herbs has long been associated with cleansing your energy. You can use anything you like, but sage, palo santo, frankincense, and cedar are all considered cleansing items. Burn your material and recite a protective mantra like: “As I light this, protect me from all negative forces. Grant me safety from all energy that seeks to harm me.” White sage is an excellent cleanser, but most smudging bundles you find online have been illegally harvested. Unless using white sage is part of your cultural heritage, consider using alternatives like black sage or garden sage, or grow it yourself.

Bathe in Florida water. Florida water is thought to prevent bad luck and protect the user from harm. Adding a capful to a warm bath and soaking it will imbue you with its energy. If you can’t find Florida water, you can make it yourself or just add a handful of salt to the bath instead.

Line entrances to your home with salt. Salt is a protective element as well as a cleanser. By putting salt anywhere there’s an opening to your house (windows count here as well as doors) you’ll prevent negative energy and spirits from entering.

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