11 Believable Excuses to Use to Get Out of the House
11 Believable Excuses to Use to Get Out of the House
Whether you live with super strict parents, just got grounded, or are looking for a bit of a break from your partner or roommate, we’ve all had times where we needed to bend the truth a bit so we could get some time away from the house. We’re here to give you a list of some solid excuses you can use to get out of the house for a few minutes, hours, or even days!
Things You Should Know
  • Blame your need to go out on having to go get something you lost or left someplace else.
  • Say that you have a very important team project that needs to be completed or are studying for a big test.
  • Disguise your going out as doing chores or other volunteer work.
  • Cite another pre-planned event, such as dinner or a party, as the reason you have to leave.

“I lost my phone when I went out.”

Put the blame on a lost or misplaced object. Saying you lost something valuable like your phone or wallet will give you the perfect excuse to be out for an hour or two “looking for it.” You could also coordinate with a friend so that they “find it” and you have an excuse to see them when you go pick it up.

“I left my textbook at my friend’s house.”

Come up with a way to make seeing your friend unavoidable. To pull this one off, you’ll likely have to have actual evidence that you left whatever object at that person’s house so that your parents won’t be suspicious. Have your friend send a photo of said item clearly in their possession, or even have their parents call yours to confirm that it is indeed with them.

“My study group is meeting tomorrow.”

Use an important test or project to get out of the house. There’s nothing suspicious about needing to study for a big test or getting a group project done. If you have especially strict parents, this excuse might actually please them since they’ll think you’re taking the initiative to prioritize your studies.

“I signed up to do volunteer work.”

Get out of the house under the guise of being a good samaritan. No one can really say no when someone offers to do volunteer or charity work. This is an excuse that’ll give you more than a few hours of free time while also making you look like an angel in others’ eyes. Just be sure to have specifics planned out, such as where you’re volunteering and with who, so that you don’t raise suspicion.

“I have a work thing that I just can’t get out of.”

Put the blame on an unavoidable work event. Work dinners, charity events, team building activities, and meetings are common occurrences in any working person’s life, and they’re quite notorious for being hard to get out of. Try and look especially glum when bringing it up so as not to raise suspicions about any other plans you might have.

“My friend is really sick and I need to go check on them.”

Come up with an emergency that needs your immediate attention. This’ll give you the perfect excuse to leave the house quickly and for an indefinite amount of time, since you don’t know how long it’ll take to solve said emergency. Some believable emergency situations might be: Your friend’s pet died and you need to go console them. A friend’s dog went missing and you’re going to go help search for it. An emergency came up at work and you need to go in right away to fix it.

“I’m going to get some fresh air.”

Be up front and just say you need to step out for a few minutes. Unless you’re banned from completely leaving the house altogether, there’s nothing wrong with taking a few minutes to get some fresh air. Whether you decide to use this time to actually take a walk or go do something else is up to you, but at least it’ll give you an opportunity to leave the house.

“I’m heading to the gym for a bit.”

Come up with a believable place you’ll be at. If you’re wanting to meet up with a friend, go to a party, or even leave town for a bit without raising suspicion, just tell the other person you’ll be somewhere else. The location should match how much time you plan to be away, so don’t say you’ll be out getting the car washed when you’re planning to be out for a few days. Some other examples might be: Going grocery shopping Staying at a relative’s house for a few days Going to the library Attending a club meeting

“I’m going to take out the trash.”

Make it look like you’re doing chores. Your parents or partner most likely won’t object to you volunteering to help around the house. The longer the chore takes, the better. Taking out the trash won’t buy you much time, but it’ll get you time outside or give you enough time to make a quick call. Some other chores you could use as an excuse are: Taking the dog for a long walk Doing the laundry at the laundromat Driving to the donation center to get rid of clothes and other things Taking the recycling to the recycling center

“I thought I heard something outside.”

Go outside to investigate a strange noise. This won’t get you hours outside of the house to go do something fun, but it’ll give you the excuse to leave quickly and take a few minutes to yourself. Use this time to take a quick walk around the block or have a short chat with a friend in the area.

“We’ve been planning this dinner for weeks.”

Use a pre-planned event to emphasize your need to go out. Everyone knows that it’s pretty rude to cancel plans last-minute, so whoever you’re trying to convince will hopefully be understanding and let you go out. This will be even more convincing if your “plans” involve another person who’s relying on your being there. Some other examples include: Picking up your friend from the airport Helping your friend or family member move Babysitting for a friend or relative Celebrating your grandma’s birthday

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