The West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board (WBJEEB) will be announcing the final results for the WBJEE 2024 anytime soon. The results will be released today, June 6. Once out, students can check their results on the official website at wbjeeb.nic.in. The board will also be announcing the cut-off list soon after the WBJEE 2024 results are declared. The WBJEE 2024 cut-off list will be based on several factors including the number of applicants, seat availability, exam difficulty, past year cut-off trends, and test takers.
WBJEE Results 2024 LIVE
This year, the WBJEE exam was conducted on April 28 in pen and paper format across various centers across West Bengal. The exam was held in two shifts; Paper 1 (Mathematics) from 11 am to 1 pm and Paper 2 (Physics and Chemistry) from 2 pm to 4 pm.
WBJEE 2024 Results: How to Check?
Step 1: First, open the official website of WBJEEB, that is, wbjeeb.nic.in.
Step 2: Then, go to the examination section on the homepage and click on the WBJEE option.
Step 3: Scroll down and find the link WBJEE result 2024.
Step 4: Fill in all the required details and then click on submit.
Step 5: The result will be displayed on your screen.
Step 6: Download and don’t forget to keep a printout of the WBJEE results for future use.
WBJEE 2024 Results: Marking Scheme
The WBJEE 2024 consisted of three categories of questions i.e. Category 1, Category 2 and Category 3. The marking scheme is different for each category. To check their probable results, students need to understand the marking pattern for each category:
Category 1:
— Candidates can only select one option.
— For every right answer, students will be given 1 mark.
— 1/4th mark will be deducted for every wrong attempt.
— In case any student marks two answers, it will be considered incorrect and 1/4th mark will be deducted.
— No attempt means no mark.
Category 2:
— Only one option is correct.
— For every right answer, students will be rewarded two marks.
— Half a mark will be deducted for every wrong answer.
— Similarly, if any student marks two options, it will be considered incorrect and half a mark will be deducted.
— Zero marks will be given for not attempting the question.
Category 3:
— One or more options can be correct.
— Two marks will be given for each right answer.
— If any candidate has chosen two options and if one option is incorrect, the complete answer will be treated as incorrect and the student will be given zero marks.
— In case, the candidate has not selected all the right options and also no incorrect option is selected, marks granted will be – 2 x (Number of Correct Options Selected) /Total number of correct option(s).
— Zero marks will be given for no attempt.
The WBJEE is conducted annually for students seeking admission to undergraduate engineering, pharmacy and architecture courses at several Universities, Government colleges and institutes in West Bengal.
Stay ahead with all the exam results updates on News18 Website.
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