Punjab Land Records Can be Checked Online Now With New Portal; Know How
Punjab Land Records Can be Checked Online Now With New Portal; Know How
To smoothen the process, the PLRS has opened a portal called Jamabandi Portal that helps people check their land records online.

A subsidiary of the government of Punjab, the Punjab Land Record Society (PLRS) is set up to devise strategies and foster policies and plans related to land records and revenue. The organisation, set under the Registration of Societies Act, 1860, deals with public matters. The objective of PLRS, which is backed by the Information Technology (IT), is to monitor the successful implementation of digitization of Land Records and to provide services related to it to the public via common access infrastructures, including Sukhmani Centres.

To smoothen the process, the PLRS has opened a portal called Jamabandi Portal that helps people check their land records online. Land owners can view their land records following the steps mentioned below.

– Visit the Jamabandi portal on http://plrs.org.in/.

– Once the portal opens, click on the ‘FARD’ button and it will redirect you to a fresh page.

– Here you can fill in the details such as district, tehsil, village, year, etc. Once you have filled in the correct information, click on “Set Region.”

– After clicking on ‘Set Region,’ a new page will appear. Here, you will find options such as Jamabandi, Roznamcha, and Mutation after registry. Click on ‘Jamabandi.’

Now, Jamabandi can be checked on the basis of several parameters. These include Owner’s name, Khewat number, Khasra number, and Khatauni number. Choose an option as per your convenience and enter the details.

Suppose you want to check Jamabandi using the owner’s name. Click on ‘Owner name wise.’ A new page will appear with a dialogue box on it. Enter the name of the owner in the dialogue box. The portal also allows you to enter your name in the Punjabi language.

Upon entering the name of the owner, click on ‘View Owner Relation.’ The record of Jamabandi will appear on the screen.

What is FARD?

When there is a transaction involving the ownership of the land, the buyer of the land will have a sale deed in possession. This piece of the document represents the ownership of the buyer over the land. The seller will possess the Jamabandi documents. Collectively, the set of this document is called FARD documents.

In case you cannot check the Jamabandi records online, you can check the details about your property, including the Jamabandi records offline by visiting the Sukhmani Centres established in various places.

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