Health Insurance: 5 Tips to Remember to Claim Health Cover from your Employer
Health Insurance: 5 Tips to Remember to Claim Health Cover from your Employer
Your family should be well versed with the healthcare policy provided by the office. Make it a habit, before proceeding first to read the policy document thoroughly.

One cannot foresee a pandemic or any health-related issue, therefore,health insurance should cover you from the very beginning. But there are a wide number of formalities and profiles to update before the insurance actually takes effect. If not filled in time or correctly, the claim might not get paid in time of need.

To make it easy for you, here is a list of five steps that you must follow once you start your new job. It is important to stay updated with the terms and conditions of the health policy.

Update your family’s personal profile

The first thing you should do after getting your employee ID is to update your family’s details on the insurance portal of the company. If the details are not filled on the insurance portal, you or your family cannot make any claims. Make this step a priority.

Get E-card

Once the health insurance policy is issued, you will receive a TPA (third party administrator) card. This card will be of help if you want to go for cashless facility at a hospital. Also, remember to take an E-card from your employer. This is because, hypothetically, if you misplace or forget the physical copy of your TPA card at the time of hospitalization, you can always submit the e-card. Along with the E-card, you have to submit an ID proof too.

Learn about your benefits

Not just for medical insurance but for any policy you avail, always remember to read the policy document thoroughly. You should first learnwhat is covered and what is not,to avoid end-moment difficulty. Corporate health insurance policies often come with some restrictions, co-pay clauses, room-rent limitations, etc.

List network hospitals

Usually, insurance companies have an agreement with some selected hospitals for providing cashless facilities to their customers. These hospitals are known as empanelled hospitals or network hospitals. While reading the policy document, you must prepare a list of these hospitals beforehand so that at the time of emergency, you are not flipping policy pages.

Keep Your Family in Loop

Unfortunately, if you get hospitalised, your family members should be updated so that they can claim the process. Your family should be well-versed with the healthcare policy provided by the office. Keep them in the loop of all the lists you have prepared and store the policy documents at an easily accessible place. Considering that documents get misplaced, as an additional measure, you can create digital copies of all the policy documents. Mail the digital copy to your family members as it will be easily accessible.

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