Artificial Intelligence Vs Human Resources: Is AI A Threat To The Workforce?
Artificial Intelligence Vs Human Resources: Is AI A Threat To The Workforce?
There's been a growing debate on whether AI will one day completely replace human resources.

We are living in an age where Artificial Intelligence is in a perpetual growing stage. The growth of AI may make our lives a lot easier but is it a threat to human labour? Well, recent cases have shown us that AI is more cost-effective and way more efficient than human employees, according to some companies that have chosen AI over human resources.

A business startup called Dukan replaced ninety per cent of its employees with chatbots in 2022. Paytm, a payment aggregator, also laid off 1000 workers at the close of the previous year. The business claims that the results of AI have exceeded their expectations. Paytm claims that it can cut personnel costs by 10% to 15% with the use of AI. According to some unconfirmed reports. Google also plans to lay off about 30,000 employees in favour of AI.

There’s been a growing debate on whether AI will one day completely replace human resources, and although many industrialists have said that AI does not pose a threat, the above-mentioned cases prove otherwise. Truth be told, human resources are still needed. For instance, it is a known truth that many people lost their employment when industrial organisations began to use automation. It’s also true, though, that humans were required to run those automated devices. The difference is that the task that was previously completed by five persons is now being completed by one person.

Piyush Raj Akhouri, managing partner of BridgeNTech and Hire++ Technology, which uses AI for hiring and staffing, says that AI will lead to job loss but at the same time, it will create new job opportunities. According to Akhouri, people will have to skill themselves for AI and those who can do so will find themselves in a better position than before.

Piyush says that AI will mainly eliminate human intervention in tasks that are very repetitive, for example, security checking or similar designing. He says that the people who are less promising in their work but have strengthened their hold on AI will be more benefited from it.

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