Decimals can be tricky, so it’s important to break them down step by step. Start by explaining whole number place values, like tens and hundreds. Describe decimals as “in-between” numbers with their own set of place values, including tenths and hundredths...
A deer is a fawn until it becomes a year old. Then, it is called a yearling. Although it’s not a good idea to get too close to a fawn, there are a number of ways that you can determine its age at a distance. Start by guessing the fawn’s weight. Look at ho...
According to Harriet Green, General Manager, Watson Internet of Things (IoT), Customer Engagement and Education, IBM, the capabilities that the vast Indian developers' community is mastering is unparalleled and by 2021.
In a weekly address, US President Donald Trump says migrants “can’t just start picking up welfare”. The US had this week announced a historic immigration bill to create a merit-based Green Card system.
The government has already starting printing a never seen before denomination of ₹200 notes which are expected to be released before end of 2017.
BJP’s national president Amit Shah has announced the name of Ram Nath Kovind, 71, as NDA’s presidential nominee.
Rajkummar likes to believe that the Cannes Film Festival is an amalgamation of glamour and cinema.
A 24-page notice issued by the Income Tax department to Young Indian termed Sonia and Rahul Gandhi as “the real beneficiary of the transaction” carried out to acquire properties worth Rs 2,000 crore
A city-bound SpiceJet flight from Bengaluru was on Sunday diverted to Hyderabad due to 'extremely pungent' smell in the cockpit emanating from the front lavatory of the aircraft.
The Oscar-winner posed next to several of the cars affectionately dubbed "Maluch", or "little guy" in Polish.
Paytm has also started working upstream with distribution networks in order to enable merchants who accept Paytm do business with their suppliers as well.
AAP chief ministerial candidate for Goa, Elvis Gomes has attacked Manohar Parrikar saying the Defence Minister has "severely curbed" the operational freedom of Chief Minister Laxmikant Parsekar.
Everyone has tasks that are particularly challenging to tick off the to-do list. Maybe they are boring, they take a long time, or you would simply prefer to be watching your favorite TV show. If you are facing a task that you don’t like, it can be hard to...
Sonu says as a producer he has tried taking care of everything.
In her complaint, the woman alleged that around 11 months ago she was raped by Kumar when she had gone to his office in Outer Delhi's Sultanpuri seeking help to obtain a ration card.