The cumulative death figure has been increasing by over 700 on daily basis for more than a fortnight with past fatalities, not recorded earlier, being added.
CBSE Class 12th Result 2021: The committee will submit its report within 10 days. Students can expect to know the final criteria by June 14.
A few days back, UIDAI has introduced the new compact, waterproof and durable Aadhaar cards in PVC card form similar to ATM ones
In his letter, Nadda, who is also the former union health minister, asked his party cadre to maintain vigil and warned them not to let their guard down as the infection has spread to rural India and is affecting many young citizens, including children.
Today, recycling most of the products rich in CRMs is not commercially viable, with low and volatile CRM prices undermining efforts to improve European CRM recycling rates.
Narappa is one of the most awaited Telugu films, and fans are looking forward to watching it.
One should not celebrate Annaprashan under the nakshatra in which the baby was born
This is after Mamata Banerjee wrote a letter to opposition leaders "for a united and effective struggle against the BJP's attacks on democracy and Constitution".
The traditional Holi ritual and customs step in as the perfect body-rejuvenation therapy.
Not many would know that Rubina Dilaik had won two beauty pageants before she began her acting career.
The study, published in the journal Nature Climate Change, examined computer simulations from 27 state-of-the-art climate models, and measured the tropical rain belt's response to a future scenario in which greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise throug...
Gauahar Khan on Saturday shared a picture of her flaunting a three-coloured saree which she wore at a friend's wedding.
The second season of the superhero series "Batwoman", starring Javicia Leslie, will air on January 17, The CW has announced. Leslie, known for TV shows like "God Friended Me" and "The Family Business", was cast as the new title character following Rub...
President Donald Trump on Friday signed legislation that would kick Chinese companies off U.S. stock exchanges unless they adhere to American auditing standards, the White House said, giving the Republican one more tool to threaten Beijing with before lea...
Vi RedX Family postpaid plan is priced at Rs 1,348 and includes one year of Amazon Prime membership for the primary user. Both primary and secondary user can enjoy unlimited national and local calls.